
Record Contract History

This page gives you a complete record of all the Record Contracts this artist has signed over the years.

Popmundo RC 443833

Studio: Infamous Urban Records (London)
Company: Infamous Establishment
Royalty: 80% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 2/10/2011 to 12/31/2013
State: Expired

Popmundo RC 374511

Studio: Infamous Urban Records (London)
Company: Infamous Establishment
Royalty: 80% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 2/14/2010 to 2/14/2011
State: Broken by Hunter Godfather

Popmundo RC 369266

Studio: Black Daze Records (Los Angeles)
Company: Black Daze Industries
Royalty: 60% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 1/20/2010 to 12/31/2012
State: Broken

Popmundo RC 234496

Studio: Bricklayer Entertainment (Nashville)
Royalty: 80% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 8/29/2008 to 8/29/2010
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 196756

Studio: New York Music Lab (New York)
Company: Music Industry
Royalty: 65% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 5/1/2008 to 5/1/2010
State: Broken by Studio

Popmundo RC 78628

Studio: FALLEN ANGEL'S REC (Los Angeles)
Company: FALLEN ANGEL'S [Lon]
Royalty: 62% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 6/26/2007 to 12/31/2009
State: Broken by Studio