This is the guestbook of Decayed Angel.
Você agendou um horário para ensaiar no Estudio da B-Rocks.
Para criarmos uma parceiria ainda maior, estamos oferecendo a você um contrato em nossa Gravadora.
O Contrato que oferecemos é com 100% de desconto nas gravaçoes (no Rio e em SP) e 80% do total de Royalty para a banda na venda de CDs.
Esse é o melhor contrato que uma Gravadora pode oferecer.
Junte-se a nós!
Um grande abraço e até breve,
Guto de Castro
Have A Nice Day!
If you want to come to Izmir. I want to see you in my bar :)
My offers will be pleased for you, because my offers is very charmed:
1-) Artist Cut will be up to 90%,if u pay the me Zodiac.
2-) 500+ Ticket limit, will be pay on your side.
3-) Infinite Rider Limit.
4-) All group partners will take some beer from us :)
Owner of PunishCO,
[localeid=2358729 name=PunisHeLL[HM](%90)S.Payı]
Hi! We raised your artist cut today for 60%
Hope you have a GSG show and remember our club.
Cheers, and good Luck!
Ceo - ≣TheㅱClairvoyant≣ [HM] L.A.
Invitation: Kεερεrs of Mεtal World Tour - Edition II
The Chain Kεερεrs of Mεtal™ Clubs proudly announce the Kεερεrs of Mεtal World Tour - Edition II
Please visit the FORUM 1789227.1
I´m @ disposal for any question you could have!
I hope you join in the TOUR.
Stay Metal
Abilio Carvoeiro
(Kεερεrs of Mεtal™ Clubs Owner)