No woman, be gay

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
Warzone 84144 8/7/2012 40
Yami! 83471 7/9/2012 40
Who cares 82143 5/15/2012 40
Sobrevive nuestras historia 80858 3/23/2012 40
María 2 79825 2/9/2012 40
Yes I did 79080 1/9/2012 40
con 78326 12/8/2011 30
Querella 77659 11/10/2011 40
Des 76642 9/29/2011 40
What the sky 75755 8/23/2011 40
Enfo 74915 7/19/2011 40
Nagore 73936 6/8/2011 40
Tecomo 73125 5/5/2011 30
*Beep Beep* 72974 4/29/2011 40
You do it do it 71090 2/10/2011 40
Let's get right 70523 1/17/2011 30
Pasa por el aro 69808 12/18/2010 30
Pow! 69302 11/27/2010 30
This is the place where your mind can escape 68266 10/15/2010 30
Rayos UVA 67992 10/4/2010 30
I look at my desodorant 66582 8/6/2010 30
rock DJ! 66569 8/5/2010 30
Curiosa 65709 6/30/2010 30
I'm a tsunami 65650 6/28/2010 30
Coreografía 64698 5/19/2010 30
No more tears 63504 3/31/2010 30
Personal Feelings 62750 2/27/2010 30