Ars moriendi

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
Deafening 93546 9/2/2013 40
Basics of Being 91353 6/3/2013 40
Drug Deprived 90557 5/1/2013 40
Beheading Humility 89886 4/3/2013 40
Bleach 89214 3/6/2013 40
Indistinguishable Motions 88519 2/5/2013 40
Hurl the mirror, the widow is hurt 87860 1/8/2013 40
Cupful of whatever you fill it with 87185 12/11/2012 40
Raisins in my yoghurt 86502 11/13/2012 40
This Fluid Lets You Talk Fluently 82665 6/6/2012 40
Faking The End 81998 5/9/2012 40
The wrong won't happen unless you want it to 81312 4/11/2012 40
Why Aren't I? Addicted 80650 3/14/2012 40
Whilst Vociferous Winds Vibrate The Strings 79980 2/15/2012 40
Value The Wait Because Experience Ends It 79312 1/18/2012 40
Fluctuating Between [you predict] And [you wish] 78638 12/21/2011 40
The Universe's Ocean of Molecular Events 78059 11/27/2011 30
Complete These Few Life-threatening Episodes 77269 10/25/2011 30
Clutch Seize Rasp Burry Them Sculptor 76480 9/22/2011 40
Jacq and Jack Daniels 75771 8/24/2011 30
Sweat My Pants Off After Taking Meds 75096 7/27/2011 40
Everything Comes Back, Even Smiles And Tragedies 74245 6/21/2011 40
Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response 73570 5/24/2011 40
The Games That Play Us 72898 4/26/2011 40
So Say We All 72078 3/23/2011 40
Cherishing The Infamous Bottle of Poison 71397 2/22/2011 40
Standing on the Shoulder of Giants 70725 1/25/2011 40
Thwarted by Enigma 70053 12/28/2010 40
Death called me to see how I was doing. 69381 11/30/2010 40
Nullus enim locus sine genio est 68723 11/3/2010 40
Sibilei, unikaliai mano gyvenimo daliai 68038 10/5/2010 40
Neprotinga tylėti, kai aš ta tyla kviečiu tave 67365 9/7/2010 40
Už grožį ir jaunystę atsisakyti sielos tyrumo 66693 8/10/2010 40
Tu matai pasaulį juodai baltą, ar taip lengviau? 66021 7/13/2010 40