
Ben 26-26 * 05.05.2021

This is a Guitar Rock track recorded by the artist Nightshift. The song Ben 26-26 * 05.05.2021 was originally composed by B. van der Ham.

Production: perfect
Performance: perfect
Studio: Shroomy Sun Records
Date Recorded: 2/23/2022
Track Rating: 50
Record Releases: Nightshift 5
Buraya ad girin 15
Radio Royalties: 12,866.00 M$

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 30

Track Credits

Featuring C. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 50
Artist Member M. Arıkan 50
Artist Member C. Larson 40
Artist Member B. van der Ham 40
Producer C. Larson 50
# Radio Royalties Amount Radio Chart Position
1 Belgium 473.00 M$ 0
2 Indonesia 472.50 M$ 0
3 Mexico 432.10 M$ 0
4 Bulgaria 418.00 M$ 0
5 Singapore 408.10 M$ 0
6 Romania 401.10 M$ 0
7 United States 400.60 M$ 0
8 Lithuania 400.40 M$ 0
9 Poland 397.00 M$ 0
10 Azerbaijan 388.40 M$ 0
11 China 381.90 M$ 0
12 Russia 378.50 M$ 0
13 Bosnia and Herzegovinia 370.60 M$ 0
14 Japan 370.50 M$ 0
15 France 363.50 M$ 0
16 Spain 360.90 M$ 0
17 South Africa 359.30 M$ 0
18 Denmark 357.50 M$ 0
19 Ukraine 357.30 M$ 0
20 Finland 339.70 M$ 0
21 Germany 336.00 M$ 0
22 United Kingdom 335.40 M$ 0
23 Turkey 327.60 M$ 0
24 Norway 315.60 M$ 0
25 Philippines 311.90 M$ 0
26 Argentina 311.50 M$ 0
27 Sweden 309.50 M$ 0
28 Hungary 307.50 M$ 0
29 Portugal 287.40 M$ 0
30 Italy 286.40 M$ 0
31 Australia 285.90 M$ 0
32 Croatia 278.40 M$ 0
33 Estonia 275.40 M$ 0
34 Canada 269.00 M$ 0
35 Netherlands 266.70 M$ 0
36 Serbia 266.50 M$ 0
37 Brazil 264.40 M$ 0