无所谓 没必要 不至于


This is a Electric Blues track recorded by the artist 无所谓 没必要 不至于. The song 平凡至极又可爱非常 was originally composed by Z. Godfrey-Brown.

Production: perfect
Performance: incredible
Studio: HZL | Records (EL)
Date Recorded: 5/5/2022
Track Rating: 50
Record Releases: 时光赠予的明媚
Radio Royalties: 117.60 M$

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 30

Track Credits

Artist Member E. David 40
Artist Member Z. Godfrey-Brown 40
Producer E. David 50
# Radio Royalties Amount Radio Chart Position
1 Croatia 24.50 M$ 0
2 Belgium 23.70 M$ 0
3 Mexico 23.50 M$ 0
4 Poland 23.40 M$ 0
5 United States 22.50 M$ 0