Dark Madden

Con las manos frías

This is a Industrial Metal track recorded by the artist Dark Madden. The song Con las manos frías was originally composed by C. Madden.

Production: perfect
Performance: perfect
Studio: Chameleon Recordz
Date Recorded: 2/14/2025
Track Rating: 50
Record Releases: Con las manos frías
Radio Royalties: 187.40 M$

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 50

Track Credits

Artist Member C. Madden 50
Producer C. Madden 50
# Radio Royalties Amount Radio Chart Position
1 Japan 24.10 M$ 3939 (-)
2 Belgium 24.00 M$ 3838 (-)
3 Spain 23.70 M$ 3939 (-)
4 Germany 23.70 M$ 3939 (-)
5 Netherlands 23.50 M$ 4040 (-)
6 Portugal 23.00 M$ 4040 (-)
7 Australia 23.00 M$ 3939 (-)
8 Croatia 22.40 M$ 3939 (-)