La Formula Stradivarius

¡Claro Perla, me casaré contigo! ¡Hoy y siempre!

This is a Native American (South) track recorded by the artist La Formula Stradivarius. The song ¡Claro Perla, me casaré contigo! ¡Hoy y siempre! was originally composed by S. Cuthbert.

Production: perfect
Performance: wonderful
Studio: Record Company Classical
Date Recorded: 10/22/2008
Track Rating: 40
Record Releases: ♥♥ Para ti Ein ♥♥

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 20

Track Credits

Featuring G. Arcaya 30
Featuring M. Casey 30
Featuring E. Cuthbert 20
Artist Member S. Cuthbert 30
Producer M. Casey 50