Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Lux Flamenco | Amsterdam 942257 94,225.70 M$ 50 97
Lux Flamenco | Ankara 165407 16,540.70 M$ 50 89
Lux Flamenco | Antalya 464674 46,467.40 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | BA 24320837 2,432,083.70 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | Bakü -39147 (3,914.70) M$ 40 95
Lux Flamenco | Barselona 2816236 281,623.60 M$ 50 88
Lux Flamenco | Belgrad 186153 18,615.30 M$ 50 96
Lux Flamenco | Berlin 14915218 1,491,521.80 M$ 50 95
Lux Flamenco | Brüksel 9702169 970,216.90 M$ 50 88
Lux Flamenco | Budapeşte -125736 (12,573.60) M$ 40 92
Lux Flamenco | Bükreş 231929 23,192.90 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | Cakarta -146088 (14,608.80) M$ 30 95
Lux Flamenco | Chikago 17446659 1,744,665.90 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | Dubrovnik -218726 (21,872.60) M$ 30 88
Lux Flamenco | Glasgow 8954022 895,402.20 M$ 50 89
Lux Flamenco | Helsinki 214090 21,409.00 M$ 50 94
Lux Flamenco | İstanbul 11726318 1,172,631.80 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | İzmir -273158 (27,315.80) M$ 30 92
Lux Flamenco | JOH 12902438 1,290,243.80 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | Kiev 147308 14,730.80 M$ 50 89
Lux Flamenco | Kopenhag 8209260 820,926.00 M$ 50 93
Lux Flamenco | L.A. 20464630 2,046,463.00 M$ 50 91
Lux Flamenco | Londra 4057200 405,720.00 M$ 50 94
Lux Flamenco | Madrid 9133886 913,388.60 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | Manila 25197001 2,519,700.10 M$ 50 86
Lux Flamenco | Melbourne 13234814 1,323,481.40 M$ 50 95
Lux Flamenco | Mexico 17204726 1,720,472.60 M$ 50 89
Lux Flamenco | Milano 8959080 895,908.00 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | Montreal 8316566 831,656.60 M$ 50 89
Lux Flamenco | Moskova 6970417 697,041.70 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | Nashville 7506600 750,660.00 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | New york 13943390 1,394,339.00 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | Paris 6405243 640,524.30 M$ 50 89
Lux Flamenco | Porto 6431249 643,124.90 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | Rio 7471201 747,120.10 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | Roma 10223905 1,022,390.50 M$ 50 98
Lux Flamenco | Şangay 885069 88,506.90 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | Sao 2319384 231,938.40 M$ 50 95
Lux Flamenco | Sarajevo -5664 (566.40) M$ 40 93
Lux Flamenco | Seattle 835440 83,544.00 M$ 50 92
Lux Flamenco | Singapur 516543 51,654.30 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | Sofya 573022 57,302.20 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | Stockholm 17100682 1,710,068.20 M$ 50 93
Lux Flamenco | Tallinn -195900 (19,590.00) M$ 30 93
Lux Flamenco | Tokyo 530834 53,083.40 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | Toronto 263855 26,385.50 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | Tromso -113644 (11,364.40) M$ 30 92
Lux Flamenco | Varşova 1248734 124,873.40 M$ 50 90
Lux Flamenco | Vilnius 16594647 1,659,464.70 M$ 50 92