Modern Times...Modern Rock [27] Brussels Final Result

This page shows you the current standings of a competition.

# Artist Score (Link to show)
1 the kid wonderful
2 Uni-Kuva great
3 Las Esferas Invisibles awesome
4 Space Babes splendid
5 Brainabuse splendid
6 CrushCrush splendid
7 Happy Few splendid
8 Cruderocks splendid
9 Ihi Top sweet
10 Girls Bite Back sweet
11 Vector Grunge good
12 ♥@$!!♥ good
13 Re Matto good
14 My Own Disaster good
15 Amarcord good
16 Tяu૯ ℓo√૯ good
17 Besada pleasant
18 Foos pleasant
19 Pink Stardust nice
20 The Star Guitar nice
21 StorM in tHe MinD nice
22 Liquid Noise decent
23 Pining For The Fjords Failed
24 The Didgeridoos Failed
25 Los Chaques Failed
26 Indestructible Failed
27 piggy rocks Failed