Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
The university is where people 16 years or older can get their education, improving their skills in life.
Amarillo pollito 🐥
Note from the Management
Welcome to Tallinna Tehnikaülikool!
Professors are needed, please take a job and contact the CEO to let her know which class you want to teach so she can add it, if it is possible to add classes at that time.
After registering for class, you must change your career focus to Attend Classes and stay at the University. More information: 2113457.57
You need to stay on campus and be focused on work. When you are finished teaching, please quit your job.
Please let me know if you change what you are teaching so I can adjust the classes.
You need:
- 3 stars in Basic Teaching
- 3 stars in the skill(s) you want to teach
Absences will be overlooked on the Big Bang, Valentines, St. Kobes, Day 27 (Frank's Monolith), DotD, Christmas and New Years.