SVT-Sveriges Television

SVT-Sveriges Television

Claim your fifteen minutes of fame here. Appearing on television can increase your song and market segment popularity, your star quality, and award you an achievement or two.

Basic Info

Locale Type: TV Station
City: Stockholm
City Zone: Gamla Stan (Center of Town)
Management: City of Stockholm
Quality: 50
Condition: incredible
Cash: 809,777.30 M$
Service Cost: 50.00 M$

Note from the Management

Welcome to Swedish Television.
We bring you entertainment (music videos mainly) and news, but mainly what the government wants you to see.

Välkommen till Stockholm!

Om du är sjuk, se om det finns en doktor i stan 1846718.1.

Kom ihåg att inte smitta andra med din sjukdom.

Stockholms Nybörjarfond vänder sig till nykomlingar här i Stockholm och finns till för att underlätta den första tiden med lite pengar.

Hur man ansöker 2317589.1.

Donationer välkomnas!

Welcome to Stockholm!

Got a cold, chlamydia or the flu? Check on doctors in town 1846718.1.

Remember not to interact with others when you are sick.

Stockholm Newbie Fund is to newbie's for make it a bit easier in the startup with little money.

How to apply 2317589.1.

Donations are welcomed!