Criminal Crew Ranking

Current rank of all crews represented in the social club, separated by number of members.

Crews with 1 member

# Rank Crew
1 24 Pirate Heart
2 116 SONS
3 869 Outlawed
4 1229 Caravaggio
5 1527 Ma Baker's pride
6 1651 Hunters
7 1948 Virus
8 2087 Black swan dream
9 2362 Werner
10 2859 Sin nombre

Crews with 2 members

# Rank Crew
1 11 Engin Miskunn
2 124 Shiner in the Dark
3 1314 DeNeB
4 1466 ~The Bat and the Cat~
5 1679 Arna thabhairt
6 1725 ## Indefinidas ##
7 1759 Power of three
8 2452 Lomo con queso
9 2584 Thieves Under Construction

Crews with 3 members

# Rank Crew
1 678 Golden Frappe
2 863 CheckmatÉ™
3 909 Papel Para los Cerdos