Musical Genre Ranking

Current rank of all musical artists represented in the social club, separated by genre.

African Music

# Rank Artist
1 119 Geeks On A Beach


# Rank Artist
1 216 Spartaco tribute band


# Rank Artist
1 44 RandomGirl
2 86 LoopLust


# Rank Artist
1 65 Yuki & Zoro

Heavy Metal

# Rank Artist
1 367 War of Fire
2 687 This Fucking Scocc
3 826 Square Nothing

Hip Hop

# Rank Artist
1 77 Az H-H
2 437 Rhythm and Poetry crew


# Rank Artist
1 2 The Mothers of Inquisition
2 253 Jazz From Hell
3 254 The Mother's Sons
4 257 The Abusers' Sons
5 305 The Flying Spaghetti Mothers
6 306 my heart beats back
7 347 Heith & The Self Abusers
8 358 Orange From The Ground
9 364 Bros 'n the Roses
10 553 The Pravate 3.0

Modern Rock

# Rank Artist
1 1 Tнe Sмasнing Pandas
2 704 The Carrot Man


# Rank Artist
1 28 Pop's Hot Lips
2 154 Aquaman
4 644 Brothers & sisters


# Rank Artist
1 47 Funkylicious
2 109 Bumba Meu Bowie
3 260 The Mothers of Jacuzzi


# Rank Artist
1 1 Black Hoт Cнill Pandas
2 93 Raffae
3 150 Bob Harley And The Band
4 243 The Return of The Idiots
5 284 Dattero


# Rank Artist
1 39 Joy of Life
2 163 Drive Shaft
3 345 Gentle gnome