Musical Genre Ranking

Current rank of all musical artists represented in the social club, separated by genre.

African Music

# Rank Artist
1 201 Jack & Jimmie, Jimmie & Jack


# Rank Artist
1 47 todos os Santos com canela
2 148 Bicudinhos
3 317 Gia Star


# Rank Artist
1 49 RandomGirl
2 188 Kaleidoscope of Myself
3 194 Sonrisa
4 336 AQM
5 502 Black Clover
6 528 Undisclosed Desire
7 611 Finders Keepers
8 729 Interstellar


# Rank Artist
1 78 It's My Life
2 163 OLE YO
3 220 Original Sinners

Heavy Metal

# Rank Artist
1 111 Metal XLR
2 307 See you space cowboy
3 452 Imperium Tenebrarum
4 779 Los Coyotes
5 794 Ekhymosis

Hip Hop

# Rank Artist
1 356 Sour Feeling
2 377 Ad Infinitum
3 605 Dark Plague


# Rank Artist
1 15 Hidden Moon
2 47 Cool Cats Jazz Club
3 263 The Gorgeous and The Handsome

Latin Music

# Rank Artist
1 34 Más Allá de Todo
2 70 The Cullen´s
3 88 La Culpa es de mis padres xD
4 316 latin artist

Modern Rock

# Rank Artist
1 64 Trea$urer
2 480 Legendary Storytellers
3 518 Trapped In A Prism
4 671 Arena Hash
5 850 Bad Drama


# Rank Artist
1 92 3l Du0 D1n4m1c0
3 128 Chupito de Cianuro
4 131 Gaucho Power
5 137 ¡Arre Unicornio!
6 146 No king rules forever
7 159 Pasiones Ajenas
8 163 Experiencia Religiosa
9 165 The Uncrowned
10 173 El oso y la doncella
11 192 El gato de Schrödinger
12 245 Legado de juglares
13 289 Blue Velvet
14 353 The Five
15 825 Dirty Beaches
16 1114 Nota en Do
17 1301 Pinky Promise

Punk Rock

# Rank Artist
1 80 Carmela, caramela
2 127 Vox Veritatis
3 207 Adventure Time:.
4 292 Corruption
5 435 Cr4zy Monkey S3x
6 486 Cambio de planes


# Rank Artist
1 26 Del color de las hormigas
2 30 The Velvet Tones
3 101 Black Holes and Revelations
4 295 Kingdom of Foxes


# Rank Artist
1 176 Sayuca Airlines


# Rank Artist
1 109 Yam Brian
2 254 Britishers Bugs Rules
4 904 Eso y más
5 1036 De a Dos
6 1146 Black Soul
7 1410 Paranoid Android
8 1601 The Wolfs

World Music

# Rank Artist
1 22 ByeBitch!
2 217 Lake & Oates Private Jet
3 290 Two crazy lovers