Las Lobo

Las Lobo

Las Lobo is a criminal crew from Madrid. Planning the great heist since 8/24/2020 this crew is currently ranked #153 in the world.

Police Radio

Las Lobo is up to no good.

This crew has called the recon hotline 1 time this week.

Message to the Public

“Tengo una pregunta que a veces me tortura: estoy loco yo o los locos son los demás.”
― Albert Einstein


La Lunática
L. Lobo
Crew Leader & Brute
Member since 2/24/2024

La Fulanica
R. Lobo
Cat Burglar
Member since 9/10/2024

La Menganica
O. Lobo
Crew Leader & Master Mind
Member since 9/10/2024