

Fucid is one of the Celebrities of the music industry. Pursuing stardom since 3/25/2023 the artist is currently ranked as the #170 Punk Rock act. The artist is considered to be from Istanbul. This artist accepts invitations.

Latest Shows

8/31/2024 Sofia splendid Details »
7/25/2024 Chicago splendid Details »
7/23/2024 Los Angeles splendid Details »

Artist Buzz

Fucid is looking for new members!

Live performances include a splendid show at Incendiary Room Sofia in Sofia which is rated as their best recent show.

Fucid released the incredible single Reception on 9/12/2023.

Message to the Fans

When punk rock came along, the one thing we're not supposed to be was musical.

A musical begins. Right here.

Fucid -*-


E. Gürçay
Band Leader
Electric Guitarist / Lead Singer
Member since 3/25/2023