Tekin Ailesi

Tekin Ailesi

Tekin Ailesi is a criminal crew from Istanbul. Planning the great heist since 7/16/2024 this crew is currently ranked #594 in the world.

Police Radio

Tekin Ailesi is up to no good.

This crew has successfully hit 7 targets this week.

This crew has called the recon hotline 5 times this week.

Message to the Public

#1001# 08.08
#835# 08.09
#594# 19.09 OMG


Y. Özaytekin
Crew Leader & Cat Burglar
Member since 7/16/2024

L. Grimes
Master Mind
Member since 8/31/2024

不经历风雨 怎么见彩虹
R. Xian
Crew Leader & Hacker
Member since 8/31/2024