This is the guestbook of Flipsyde92.
You are invited to the Competition of Hip Hop in Stocolmo, Alive or Died (14-10>17-10), if it interests to you to accept the invitation and to say to me to what price you want tickets. If you do not want to attend they reject. Thank you very much by your participation, and luck. A greeting
Reppin Straight outta P.I.
Competition: Hip Hop On The Top 2
Time: 12/02/2009 12:00--->19/02/2009 12:00
(some day are full booked... )
Place: Min Hip Hop Club Roma
If yuo want to join Take a look at this 858752.1 to have more information.
You are interested in play in Paris?
In [localeid=787543 name=UrBanD HH [Paris]]?
If you are interested send me a message...
Compliments Flávio Neves