This is the guestbook of Nephirastia.
Thanks for playing in aromaZ Metal [ROM]
I hope to see you soon, you're always welcome !! :)
C. Albizua, aromaZ Metal [ROM] CEO
Thank you for performing with us. We hope you'll join us again the next time you're in London!
V. Salley CEO TLL [Heavy Metal] Masters
Thanks for giving me a ride :)
I would like you to be my guests in Velvet Skull Brussels, Montreal, and Rio
Thanks for playing in Metal 666[MON] in Montreal again. Hope see you soon. ;)
Thank you for playing a cool show at the Moose in Montreal [HM].
We would be glad and proud to have you back on our stage real soon. Let me know if you need an invitation.
Steve Cook
Gracias por visitar [localeid=776644 name=CLUB HEAVY METAL [BCN]]. El concierto ha tenido un total de 1802 espectadores y ha tenido una calidad de agradable.
Esperamos que volváis otro día.
Manuel Barrat i Esteve