This is the guestbook of Arcana Imperii.
Thank you for playing at JazzUp!
I hope you will come again and play in any of my clubs! Please, don't hesitate to contact me for further bookings!
Sincere Greetings
Marie-Christine Savigny
JazzUp! Vilnius
JazzUp! Madrid
JazzUp! Nashville
Maybe you are interested in joining the jazz-train? For more informations see 244706.1.
Thanks for performing at [V&B] Jazz - Nashville. We hope to see you soon again :)
Rochelle Burkinshaw
Thank you for playing at TFC. Jazz Los Angeles! We hope to welcome you soon again! Please, don't hesitate to contact me about your future booking.
Yours sincerely
Marie-Christine Savigny
CEO TFC.Jazz Los Angeles
Hi group!
We're having a Jazz competition at Apocalypse Club [Jazz] at Seattle between 16/02 and 23/02. I'll be very glad of having you there. It fits in your schedule? Send me a pm and I'll send you and invitation for any of that days, any hour :)