Bánhida Legends Jazz Orchestra
This is the guestbook of Bánhida Legends Jazz Orchestra.
Hello ladies and gentleman!
My name is Florian Verplancke and I own a Jazzclub in London.
Jazz Club Lost Heaven Jazz Club London
Also I own a Jazz record studio. I am specialising in Jazzartists. I would like to offer you a contract for Singles and albums and in the future video!
Let me know if your interested.
Also your welcome in my club in London!
Kind regards,
Jazz Records Lost Heaven Jazz Records
Koszi a helyet sracok.
Remelem jol kijovunk majd egymassal..;)
Thank you for playing at Strawberry Fields Jazz in Buenos Aires!
Come back whenever you want, we'll always be pleased to have you here.
Best compliments,
Flávio, CEO
Thanks again for playing at Strawberry Fields Jazz in Buenos Aires!
We'll always be pleased to have you here.
Hope to see you soon.
Best compliments,
Flávio, CEO
ps: have a nice jazz train ;)
Thanks for playing at "♫ Alice Jazzing Rio" for the Jazz Train VI. It was a pleasure to receive you.
We hope you'll come again :)
Best jazzing regards,
Sérgio, Alice (co-owners) and Pisca (CEO)
Hallo sracok,
gondoltam megosztom veletek is azt a vicces veletlent, hogy en is epp ma erkeztem meg Bukarestbe. (valos eletben :P ) Tudtam volna, stoppolok. :)
Minden jot nektek,
Marcell (Dezsõ)