This is the guestbook of The Jazzpedition.
Hi Jazzartist,
My name is Etienne and I am creating one of the best Jazz recordingstudios of the world. I want to offer you a good contract, active and good support with the recordingstudio [localeid=14983 name=Lost Heaven Studio Jazz [AMS]].
I offer you:
80% profit for you!! (Max)
100% discount for recordings (Max)
Let me know if your interested!
Kind regards,
Owner and CEO Etienne
Hi Jazzartist!
I would like to invite you in my club Concerts in Amsterdam: --=70% profit Jazzclub=-- If you play here you will get 70% of the money! Instead of 50% other clubs pay.
Also I offer a contract with 80% profit for you and free recordings with my studio Recording studio: [localeid=14983 name=Lost Heaven Studio [Jazz]
Contact Me and see you in Amsterdam!