This is the guestbook of White Mages.
The Chain of Heavy Metal Clubs Kεερεrs of Mεtal™ proudly announce the Kεερεrs of Mεtal TOUR Edition I .
It will be a Competition TOUR and in this TOPIC 1614870.1 you will find all information (dates, rules and bands who will participate), commentaries, the days, cities and clubs of the competition.
Thank you for booking at ShadowsOfTheSun-Clubs. Have a great tour and welcome back soon.
Elaine BeaumontPresident of the ShadowsOfTheSun-Clubs 1866906.1
Thank you for playing at Kilt Check in Chicago! :)
The ShadowsOfTheSun-Clubs have sent all possible invitations except Sao Paulo. Cut is 60%

You have show(s) booked @ Keepers of Metal Clubs during the dates we have Competition.
We come invite you to join @ one or more of our competitions, visit 2175454.1 and Join @ the competition(s) you wanna.
For any question i´m @ your disposal.
(Keepers of Metal Clubs Owner)