This is the guestbook of The Tigers.
Thanks for playing at: [localeid=979661 name=Studebaker [Izmir]]
It was a pleasure to have you here on our stage.
Come back when ever you want and try out our other clubs of Studebaker's.
Regards and good luck:
Roy Studebaker
Studebaker Europe
Thank you very much for choosing our club.
We hope that the concert is a success.
If you return to the city of Los Angeles, be sure to book your concert in ૐ Poltergeist Rock [BRU]
Ceo Leon A.
Me desculpem por estar ausente nos shows mas aconteceu um problema e tenho que resolver ele.Não sei se demorarei mas farei o possível pra voltar rápido.Obrigada pela compreensão.
Gente mil desculpas mas o show que iriamos fazer no Rio não vendeu nenhum ingresso e então eu cancelei.Bjs