This is the guestbook of Sawa Sawa Matatu.
Jeesj Ruan, that was terrible :)) But that also means it only can get better! And it will!
Congratz on your first decent concert!!
Still not much better then "nice".... i hope you are better at other things???
* LOL *
No, i am kidding, i am proud of you. The band is doing great. Time for a single mister Van Der Kaap!
Your song made it to the radio :)))
Wow, extremely well done Ruan. Can i have my own cd, with autograph???
* proud of you *
African Revolution World Tour VI
If you would like to join the tour, please check message 2104436.1
Top 40, well done! I got one copy myselve!
You are welcome to join the African Revolution World Tour VII
For more information please check message 2116473.1
African Revolution World Tour VIII
All African artists are welcome to participate. If you would like to join the tour, please see Message 2127311.1 and join this celebration of African music!
You are welcome to join the African Revolution World Tour IX
For more information please check message 2138256.1