This is the guestbook of Johnny Dio Vedder.
We would like to invite you to the II. Playboy Worldtour. Details you can find here: 2178982.1
We like to invite you to the 2nd edition of the Move Your Bodies-Tour: 2188774.1
The 3rd Move Your Bodies - Tour is announced 2197914.2
The 4th Move Your Bodies - Tour is announced 2197914.2
Find the Highway to Rock!
You only need one show between the date 5-11/10
For invitations, contact Evan Rachel Wood.
Winning Criteria: Highest Scoring Showmanship
Prize Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Entry Cost: € 30.000,00
Size: Max 50 contestants.
Venue: Any venue owned by Hara & Wood Inc. (Rock).
Time: 05/10/2015, 00:00 to 11/10/2015, 23:00 (London time)
No FORUM da TOUR já se encontram os banners para cada uma das bandas participantes.
Agradecemos se possivel que cada banda ponha o seu na sua página...
2242006.98 e 2242006.99
Esperamos que gostem.
Qualquer dúvida estamos ao vosso inteiro dispor usem e abusem do FORUM da TOUR seja sobre o que for da TOUR :).
Abílio Carvoeiro
(Tour ILB Staff)
We would like to invite your band to participate in...
Highway to Rock on Popopalooza
Winning Criteria: Highest Scoring Music
Arranged By: Evan Rachel Wood
Prize Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Entry Cost: $35,000.00
Size: Max 50 contestants.
Venue: Any venue owned by Hara & Wood Inc. (Rock).
Time: 11/30/2015, 12:00 AM to 12/7/2015, 11:00 PM (London time)
A TOUR I está a ser de relançamento e fazer ajustes na TOUR, as próximas traram muitas novidades a vários níveis.
Já podem inscrever-se nas edições II, III, IV e V da TOUR no FORUM ID: 2251355.1 (por favor ler as regras, obrigado).
Duvidas podem ser tiradas no FORUM.
Esperamos poder contar com a vossa banda
Abílio Carvoeiro
(Organização da tour ILB)
Gostaríamos de convidar sua banda para... esta competição!