This is the guestbook of 5 and some.
*troll alert*☡☠
Draga Alanna,
Mislim da je vrijeme da naučiš hrvatski jezik.
Sada češ na kraju krajeva imati vremena za to.
Tko zna, jednoga dana kada se vratiš ... možda i ja progovorim francuski.
je suis ACG :D Always :P
Rien que d'essayer de lire et de prononcer ces mots, du bout des lèvres, je trouve cette langue d'une beauté infinie. Tu as sans doute raison, MaBabi, je devrais me mettre au croate.
Tvoje, Δlways.
*troll tamed*
*.♡ oh chérie, wiiiihii ☆.*
How she always manages to tame me, so much beauty in it.
*she looks lovingly at her leather boots that make her able to tame all the beauty in this world*
Good girls... and boy!! :PP
You've been very very very very very special. A fourth place in the Festival which for me is worth the first!
You worked hard and honestly to the end.
A great band that has been able to achieve great goals in such a short time....
I'm so proud of you..