This is the guestbook of BlackPink!.
Desejo sucesso para a banda, e para minha grande amiga Sabrina, abraços a todos.
Hara & Wood Inc. (Rock) wants to invite your band to join on our next competition, Find the Highway to Rock.
Competition Details
Winning Criteria: Highest Scoring Show
Prize Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Entry Cost: $25,000.00
Size: Max 50 contestants.
Venue: Any venue owned by Hara & Wood Inc. (Rock).
Time: 8/2/2015, 12:00 AM to 8/9/2015, 11:00 PM (London time)
You can sign up now :)
Find the Highway to Rock!
Winning Criteria: Highest Scoring Showmanship
Arranged By: Evan Rachel Wood
Prize Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Entry Cost: € 30.000,00
Size: Max 50 contestants.
Venue: Any venue owned by Hara & Wood Inc. (Rock).
Time: 05/10/2015, 00:00 to 11/10/2015, 23:00 (London time)[/q]
IATB can join with just a click! :)
We would like to invite your band to participate in...
Highway to Rock on Popopalooza
Winning Criteria: Highest Scoring Music
Arranged By: Evan Rachel Wood
Prize Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Entry Cost: $35,000.00
Size: Max 50 contestants.
Venue: Any venue owned by Hara & Wood Inc. (Rock).
Time: 11/30/2015, 12:00 AM to 12/7/2015, 11:00 PM (London time)
Gostaríamos de convidar sua banda para... esta competição!

MARAVILHOSAAAAAAAA! Quero um autógrafo por favor!
* criando Fã clube *
Quem é a música mais linda e gostosa de todas? SOCORRO!! Sou fã <3
Congrats on your 3rd place of genre on Big Bang Y124! ⭐️
Essa neném é top #10. QUE DELÍCIA!!! Parabéns neném! Você merece!