This is the guestbook of iRman'S fLoW.
Hip Hop in Rio are full...
For that I create:
XXL Hip Hop Competition from 03 to 09 August in [localeid=787543 name=UrBanD's HH [Paris]]
Book your show(s) now(here) or ask me for an invitation.
¿Todavía no sabéis que Playmobil Club Barcelona es el mejor club de Barcelona? Yo que vosotros me daría prisa y haría YA una reserva...
Let's see if I can tempt you...My record studios are looking for talent to put under contract. I see you've already one, but I'm sure I can offer more. If you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, Juan Delgado can offer you good rates. This contract includes, free tatto and Plastic Surgery, In Belgrade. Also, Discount: 100% on recordings in studios owned by us. Pm me if interested, sorry otherwise for bother.