This is the guestbook of X!S.
Go Ж!S ! Let's do the race together to the top of the Punk charts! \o/
First in top100 gets a bottle of tequila, deal? 😁 (yeah I say it cause for now we're a bit in front, but I know you've got skills to overtake us! 👍)
Hmm a taste of the Tekila just to bring down your health and allow us to take the advantage like that, eyes closed and just to laugh a good shot!
So happy for your #1 Punk Song!!
I just got it played for me in Mexico, guys you rock big time!!
F*cking top-20, guys!! :O
Vous êtes les meilleurs, je vous kiffe grave !! <3
Congrats to the whole band and crew, so proud of you!! \o/
WOOOOOOO, #10!!! 🤩 😘 Bravo X!S ❤️
#8!!! 🤩 😘
Bises à vous sur le toit du Punk ! \o/
I hope I'm not annoying you guys, I just came here to celebrate your #7 !!! 😍
Kisses everywhere
La mejor banda de punk rock ! Saludos !