This is the guestbook of Endless Blues.
thx 4 playing at Havana Club NY.....
we hoppe we will see u again....
also in our other Clubs?!?
thank you for playing at handy's blues Toronto.
P. Carone
Thanks for playing in our club, wish you have a brilliant musical career.
See you again.
Owner Mieczysław Misztal
✲Blues Express✲
Hı! we have 3 competıtıons at the best blues bar of İstanbul if you want to come to our bar for the competıtıons we wıll be very happy
open competıtıons
My way Blues Fest 1
2009-03-27 12:00--->2009-04-03 12:00
My way Blues Fest 2
2009-04-05 12:00--->2009-04-11 12:00
My way Blues Fest 3
2009-04-12 12:00--->2009-04-19 12:00
Ceo of My Way Blues
Jordan McCann