This is the guestbook of ilossa ja surussa.
Rome and ▓⋙Punkèmon [ROM] are still waiting them!
Latest Schedule
World Punk Rock Express Competition
2007-09-01 12:00--->2007-09-08 12:00
♫♪♪ ♫♫♫ ♪♫♪ ♫♪ Stay with Music!♪ ♪♪♫ ♪♪♫ ♪♫♪ ♪♪♫
Lots of Love
Tansu Oransayoglu - CEO - ▓⋙Punkèmon [ROM
Hi "Wizard Taste Funny". We will glad to see you in "Brixton-Punk Helsinki"...
Please keep in touch if you organize a concert...
CEO - Şaban Raif
Ups...wrong message, sorry:)
Thanks for playing in Revolt İn Paris. It was a pleasure listen your music in our club! Hope see you soon! :D
Best regards and good luck!!
Claude Corbin
Arg! Te has quedado a 500 entradas de petar el local :D
Es un placer tenerte ya por... 2ª 3ª vez? Desde que tengo este club...
Muchisimas gracias por tocar en el Hxc Pride de Estocolmo y suerte!
Thank you for playing at ParadisoOscuro ~Punk~,hope to see you back again soon.
If you have any special requests considering ticket price or schedule contact:
Inga Alger
CEO of the ParadisoOscuro ~Punk~.
Thank you for playing at ParadisoOscuro ~Punk~,hope to see you back again soon.
If you have any special requests considering ticket price,rider or schedule contact:
Inga Alger
CEO of the ParadisoOscuro ~Punk~.
Thank you for playing at Strawberry Fields Jazz in Buenos Aires!
Come back whenever you want, we'll always be pleased to have you here.
Best compliments,