Golden Dragon's Tears
This is the guestbook of Golden Dragon's Tears.
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|:   |: / |   "C&W -In der Walachei",
|`  |:  _(   Bucharest
(_  |:    ).
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Howdy Partner!
Thanks for playing at my club!
I am looking forward to host you again!
I’m working like CEO to Emma's club in Budapest
The club is perfect and we’re very happy if you decide to play here ^_^
Please, contact ME for any request ^_*
Thanks for playing in QUIMERA METAL/SAO PAULO.We wish you comeback again.Thank for all
Ava-CEO-Quimera Metal/Sao Paulo
C&W??? NO WAY!! HEAVY METAL, BABY!!! I am your biggest fan, Jess and Elyssa :)
Hi guys,
I sent you an invitation for a competition in Madrid @ Metal Power Madrid.
I saw that you refuse the invitation, if you want an invitation in another day for the comp, I have free slots between 04-24 and 04-30.
I'll be proud to host your show in my club, so I can reserve a date for you in my club for your next tour when you will plan that.
If you want, make me know the date for Madrid.
Best wishes, Daniele.
That was fingerlickin' good. Do come again...
Best regards
Peter/Zimo's™ Metal Club (BER)
We would like invite your band to participate in Metal Female Voices II - competition (eliminatory).
It will elapse:
Dates:12 until 16 April 2009
Hours:12 or 14 or 16.
Places: Toronto or Madrid.
Entrance: 500€
Rider: 2.500€.
Details in FORUM TOPIC ID: 1022941.1
Anything you need contact by PRIVATE MESSAGE to MFV Staff Abilio Carvoeiro or Marta Negro or in the Forum Topic
We wait your replay soon as possible.
After 2 great competition we have decided to make a bigger competition with bigger prize so if you want to make money join us :)
Competition: J-HM | LA 2
Competition Type: National Competition
Prize Distribution: Top 3 split 50%,30%,20%
Place: MACE Metal Los Angeles
Time: 10.06.2009 12:00--->17.06.2009 12:00
Cost: 1 000 US$
Arranged by: Max Bertram