This is the guestbook of The Tòtils.
Os estreno el libro de visitas :p
a mejorar poco a poco,
animo chicas :D
Veig que aneu millorant poc a poc ^^ continueu així que la fama no es llaura en un any!
Thank you for the excellent show!
I hope to see you soon at Empire (MR) DUB in Dubrovnik.
Best wishes and good luck.
Yours Fiodor
Thanks a lot for having chosen us!
Enhorabuena por esta trayectoria sois un grupo con una gran proyeccion y un increible repertorio
Animo seguid asi
if you need a new contract ,i am waiting you for reach an agreement into my record in istanbul.
I am ready to welcome all your expectations.I have experience about music career. And I always take care of times of singles and albums.Our contracts are with 75% royalties, 100% discount in studios and unlimited rehearsed videos.
You can send to pm me for any additional requests or questions.
thanks and good tour:)
SlmYdn Record