This is the guestbook of Yeniden doğduk.
Sizi tekrar barımzda görmekten büyük şeref duyarız Ankara'ya her geldiğinizde istediğiniz bir güne konser ayarlamak isterseniz bir mesaj çekmeniz yeterlidir. İyi oyunlar Sacrament Hip-Hop [ANK]
Raşit Demirtaş...
You are interested in play in Paris?
In [localeid=787543 name=UrBanD HH [Paris]]?
If you are interested send me a message...
Say day and hour...
I pay all rider...
Compliments Flávio Neves
Proudly hosting :
Hip Hop in Rio from 23 to 29 July in [localeid=787543 name=UrBanD's HH [Paris]]
Join to competion and win extra money...
If you have lots of money, show your habilities to your friends...
Book your show(s) now(here) or ask me for an invitation.
Hip Hop in Rio are full...
For that I create:
XXL Hip Hop Competition from 03 to 09 August in [localeid=787543 name=UrBanD's HH [Paris]]
Book your show(s) now(here) or ask me for an invitation.