This is the guestbook of Late Registration.
Thanks for playing at Orange R&B [Dubrovnik]!
Robin :)
Thanks for the show at Club Skellington [R&B]!
I hope you enjoyed your stay, and i will be glad to see you performing again soon! :)
Juuso Kaukoranta
Thanks for playing at Orange R&B [Dubrovnik]! We hope to see you again next time you'll be in Dubrovnik!
Robin :)
Thanks for playing in ParadisoOscuro ~R&B~ of Rome.
We Hope to welcome you there again in the future.
Thanks for the show at Club Skellington [R&B]!
I will be glad to see you performing again soon! :)
Juuso Kaukoranta
Thanks for coming to play in Dei Gratia! We enjoyed your show, and we would be glad if you visit our club again for your next shows.
My best regards
Gülin Tulçalı
Ceo of Dei Gratia [R&B] Helsinki
Thanks for playing at Orange R&B [Dubrovnik] again! We're looking forward to your next show in Dubrovnik :D
Robin :)
Thank you for participating to our competition in ►What Else ? [R&B] ~ROM~.
We would love to see you playing in our club many more times in Rome.
Nehir Türedi