This is the guestbook of Urban Legend.
Thank you for playing at Endstation Eden in Madrid. We hope we see you again soon!
Betty Weir
Thanks for participate in the "Gira aromaZ metal MAD" competition ;)
I wish you all the best!
~Adela Aballe~
CEO of Zero aromaŽ Metal [MAD]
Thank you for playing in Φ King Heavy Metal Club in Toronto, we hope see you soon :)
Good Luck!!
Oiane Mohíno
OWNER Φ King Heavy Metal Club
Thanks for playing at @Purple Haze@ in Amsterdam!
Hope to see you around the club again!
Rock on,
Myrthe Alferink, CEO
Thank you for performing with us. We hope you'll join us again the next time you're in London!
V. Salley CEO TLL [Heavy Metal] Masters London
Thank you for playing a show in Montreal. We are proud that we were able to host you and the Hydra Tour in our club.
We look forward having you again on stage at the Moose in Montreal [HM].
Don't hestitate to drop me a line for every wish you may have concerning a show.
Steve Cook, CEO
Thank you for performing with us again! Good luck in your touring.
V. Salley CEO TLL [Heavy Metal] Masters London
Thank you for accepting our invitation!
We look forward to the awesome performance by Urban Legend! Good Luck!
-Riders of the Apocalypse-
Gracias por participar en nuestra Competencia. Esperamos veros en nuestros Clubs de Montreal y Toronto. En las competiciones de finales de Enero. un saludo.
Thank you for participating in our competition. We hope to see you in our clubs Montreal and Toronto. In competitions late January. A greeting.
Thanks for performing at Riders of the Apocalypse!
We welcome you back for another show in the future!
All the best!