All good children go to Heaven

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
No hit, no bathroom 121259 10/31/2016 50
Guns are for show. Knives are for pros. 120389 9/25/2016 50
Que no, Dani, que no 118691 7/16/2016 50
Gravity sucks 118013 6/18/2016 50
I'm a ninja! 117184 5/14/2016 50
Do you think I really care? 115968 3/25/2016 50
Morning Star 115215 2/22/2016 40
Amy colecciona Barbies 113389 12/8/2015 40
Jairo es mala gente. 112203 10/20/2015 50
Videogames 111328 9/13/2015 40
Pájaro que da cuerda 109883 7/15/2015 50
So long, and thanks for all the fish 108450 5/16/2015 50
It hurt me too 107630 4/12/2015 50
Make some noise 106859 3/11/2015 40
Zugzwang 106092 2/7/2015 50
Barbudo 105277 1/4/2015 40
¡Peligro! Gallos corpulentos 99581 5/12/2014 40
Bangkisscrush 98513 3/28/2014 50
Dark Pit 97728 2/24/2014 50
500 ml 96881 1/19/2014 50
¿Has oído eso? Yo tampoco 96120 12/19/2013 50
Bonnie <3 Daniel 95396 11/18/2013 50
Agua que no has de beber, hazla hielo pa 94749 10/22/2013 40
Miss Billingham 94577 10/15/2013 40
Empanado 94075 9/24/2013 40
Totally normal 93371 8/26/2013 50
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! 92723 7/30/2013 50
Yo no miento, exagero. 91989 6/29/2013 50
Worst song ever! 91354 6/3/2013 40
Sweet Home Belgrado 90665 5/5/2013 50
Jingle Bitch 90013 4/8/2013 40
Tiene el culo para plantar un melón 89338 3/11/2013 50
Ligueros sí 88666 2/11/2013 40
Un velocirraptor en bicicleta 87942 1/12/2013 50
Asia-Tic Days 87480 12/24/2012 30
Horoscope 86101 10/27/2012 40
B-Side is my other good side 85498 10/2/2012 40
Clouds in my coffee 84768 9/2/2012 40
Ñoño y Ñoña durmientes 84082 8/4/2012 40
Amarte Duele 83270 7/1/2012 50
Yo hago ravioles, Ella hace ravioles 82453 5/28/2012 40
111 (another number) 81733 4/28/2012 40
Bipolar 81096 4/2/2012 40
Bollo de arroz ñoñosaki 80423 3/4/2012 40
Milk 79574 1/29/2012 40
No me pinches, Aragornio 78957 1/3/2012 40
The uh-oh moment 78206 12/3/2011 30
Satyric 77544 11/6/2011 30
Turning japanese 76913 10/10/2011 30
Cats land on their feet 76216 9/11/2011 30