Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
Gervo 121554 11/12/2016 40
TITANDO 120193 9/17/2016 30
Passando a Vara 118703 7/16/2016 40
GINETE DE FÊMEA 117506 5/28/2016 40
Iludindo a fêmea 115489 3/5/2016 20
Titao 114820 2/6/2016 40
Uh Zé! 113477 12/12/2015 30
Guaraqueçaba 112801 11/14/2015 40
Pau no Gato 112130 10/17/2015 40
O Brimo é Tito Theguezero 111457 9/19/2015 40
Chiquititas 110793 8/22/2015 30
Bezerra 109441 6/27/2015 40
Zaroio 108777 5/30/2015 40
tiu biu 107932 4/25/2015 40
Eu mato inté o Delegado! 107260 3/28/2015 30