water club

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Music Video Release Review
道不尽红尘眷恋 诉不清人间恩怨 53991 2/27/2009 10
蹲在墙角边画圈圈 52540 12/29/2008 10
脑残拯救世界! 52516 12/28/2008 10
水乡之歌 52493 12/27/2008 10
悲剧的配音..悲剧的B叔=A= 52453 12/25/2008 10
创作歌曲的好时候 52444 12/25/2008 10
闹喳喳 52432 12/24/2008 10
约会之歌 52402 12/23/2008 10
挖坑不填真的会死人的.. 52373 12/22/2008 10
钗头凤·文千结 52359 12/21/2008 10
转行之歌 52349 12/21/2008 10
古董草莓 52338 12/20/2008 10
闭幕雷 50941 10/23/2008 10
一朵梨花压海棠,一根棒子入大肠 50453 10/3/2008 20
拥挤的飞机场 50046 9/16/2008 20
做人要低调,做爱要高潮 49993 9/14/2008 20
牛奶小勇士 49901 9/10/2008 20
长安车神 49890 9/9/2008 20
停车做爱枫林晚,菊花红于二月花 46828 5/5/2008 20
Howling Soul 45005 2/19/2008 20
久遠 ~詩歌侘~ 44311 1/21/2008 20