
Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Work in Progress Status
暹罗之恋/The love of Siam New
没有名字 New
Music Video Release Review
占星的结果 62887 3/5/2010 30
黄金周来了/Golden Week is coming 53904 2/24/2009 20
三鹿结石奶 53723 2/16/2009 20
国足欢迎你/China football team Welcome you 50100 9/18/2008 20
金牌之夏/Gold medal in summer 50100 9/18/2008 20
好好学习/day day up 49765 9/4/2008 20
1美元/1$ 49693 9/1/2008 20
忙忙碌碌/Busy days 49407 8/20/2008 20
范跑跑/Running Fan 49358 8/18/2008 20
打酱油/Buy Sauce 49247 8/13/2008 20
摇摆的大厦/Swaying buildings 49247 8/13/2008 20
眨眼千年/How fast the time goes 49204 8/12/2008 20
彻夜难眠/Took all night 49085 8/7/2008 20
新的开始/New begin 48464 7/12/2008 20
黑十字/Black Cross 48368 7/8/2008 20
纸老虎/paper tiger 46016 4/1/2008 20