Somewhere Somehow


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Tic tac 1059271/31/2015 40
Provaci ancora Lou 987044/5/2014 40
Singles Release Review
Fosforo 1069103/13/2015 30
Puppy 1061742/10/2015 40
Sberlucchiamo 1053741/8/2015 40
Luperto 10460912/7/2014 40
Pinacoteca rossa 10387611/7/2014 40
oh, dai 10300110/1/2014 40
Porto intasato 1022138/29/2014 40
Penne volanti 1014127/27/2014 30
percorso di guerra 1006706/26/2014 40
cialde al caffè 1000125/30/2014 40
Senza un attimo di tregua.... 993495/2/2014 40
Ma per favore! 986924/5/2014 40
Tutto lascia pensare che.. 980073/7/2014 40
Sofia mon amour! 973512/8/2014 30
Ma non sarà troppo presto? 965851/7/2014 30
Tutta la famiglia riunita 9585112/7/2013 30
pfuii 9513011/7/2013 40