好想唱一阙歌 叫你认清楚我


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
一日三秋 1880986/16/2024 50
今天我没带诗来 1854102/25/2024 50
该睡觉了可洗碗机还没停下 1786885/21/2023 50
江湖夜雨十年灯 1760011/29/2023 50
春风化雨 1679592/28/2022 50
Silent winter night: A mess 15718312/6/2020 50
Time is a river, and you too 1316951/9/2018 40
The old day 1248053/28/2017 30
Liberté 1103998/5/2015 30
Singles Release Review
藏宝之地 1879336/9/2024 40
刀下留门 1872665/12/2024 40
欢喜抚慰人心 1865924/14/2024 40
荒野来客 1859193/17/2024 40
我的赛马骑手 1852442/18/2024 40
世界的寂静消失的时候 1798697/9/2023 40
漫无边际的赞歌 1792026/11/2023 40
突然立夏 1785035/13/2023 40
每当我想起你 1778584/16/2023 40
风光创造万物 1771803/19/2023 40
电影票真贵 1765132/19/2023 40
金萱乌龙有奶香 1758121/21/2023 40
年底了出京浪一下 17515212/25/2022 40
不知道什么时候才是新开始 17446711/26/2022 40
春夏之交的那些日子 17387111/1/2022 40
闲待着呗 1697905/15/2022 40
半点不由人 1690934/16/2022 40
早点睡吧 1684603/21/2022 40
医院四天 1677962/21/2022 40
买了一盆水仙花 1670981/23/2022 40
没感冒就是胜利 16643012/26/2021 40
这个冬天什么时候才能过去呀 16578311/29/2021 40
Why Penguin Feet Don't Freeze 1590672/22/2021 40
Master's Degree 15776312/30/2020 40
Wait for Seven Sea 1342214/24/2018 40
Fireplace, Wool Ball and Book 1335293/26/2018 40
What makes us different? 1328542/26/2018 40
Enjoy sunshine after snowfall 1322081/30/2018 40
Free Sea 1315341/2/2018 40
Creators And Dreams 13086512/5/2017 40
Yesterday 13020511/8/2017 40
Back to Friday 12952010/10/2017 40
two girls 2 1248053/28/2017 40
two girls 1165974/20/2016 30
L.W 11322212/1/2015 40
pays natal 11239910/28/2015 40
october 1116069/25/2015 30
le ciel 1096777/6/2015 30
Green light 1090296/9/2015 30