Romeu sin Julieta


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Rock & Romeu 467184/30/2008 40
Singles Release Review
Psichedelic 537582/17/2009 30
Dejando huella 5210012/10/2008 30
Are you ready for the bill ??? 502159/23/2008 30
Rockoco style 475266/3/2008 30
Dancing with Chuchín 463854/16/2008 30
Give me back my energy 450852/22/2008 30
Demasié pa' tu body 443761/24/2008 30
Rock & Romeu 4353012/19/2007 30
Shock & Roll 413589/20/2007 30
Tacky Rock 394967/4/2007 40