Lennigrad Cowpollis


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
side effect 1289969/18/2017 50
say Farewell to the end 1263005/29/2017 50
Greisenpower is not wiser 1235782/5/2017 50
the Chef Killeraal 12083010/13/2016 50
Back from Hell 1180266/18/2016 40
bimmel und bommel 1153382/27/2016 40
compared with what 11250411/1/2015 40
damn i looking great, but old 1096937/7/2015 40
years of love and hope 10432411/25/2014 40
no fear 1014677/29/2014 40
he long expected 984803/27/2014 40
Sauna in Suite 9 911915/27/2013 50
and now? 883411/28/2013 50
small is my will 8567110/9/2012 40
nice, sweet and retired 829976/20/2012 50
riding on the sailing boat 800242/17/2012 40
I dont know your name 7729910/26/2011 40
the worst festival Songs 742936/23/2011 40
we will miss you 715643/1/2011 50
the sweetest things in the world 6887311/9/2010 40
what ever it takes 661827/20/2010 40
what ever 660827/16/2010 40
the american cowpolli 633323/23/2010 40
lange ueberfaellig 6064212/1/2009 40
mult marketing money making shit crap 577868/4/2009 40
we sell our last shirt 549594/8/2009 30
the long 549344/7/2009 40
Multiple Stoerungen 5224512/16/2008 40
mal schauen 495578/26/2008 40
the LCP-HB angels - Pepita Maaike Ana 468695/6/2008 40
bleeding heart of fernando 440391/9/2008 30
Popocatépelikan 413509/19/2007 30
Volker #1 379595/1/2007 30
Singles Release Review
reasons with 94 1335973/29/2018 40
A Legendary Single 1288099/11/2017 40
Enter name here 1281498/14/2017 40
slow Gouvernement 1274877/17/2017 40
jeep 1268066/19/2017 40
the next step 1261425/22/2017 40
Kopfloser Lückenfüllender Ed 1248013/28/2017 40
Peanuts Animals 1240942/26/2017 40
Populär Greisenpower 1233471/26/2017 40
dump drivers 12203612/2/2016 40
BrillenschlangentangoHurricane 12135511/4/2016 40
Glückspilz Ed The Killeraal 1202659/20/2016 40
Old Flames are chicks for free 1195408/20/2016 40
83 Reasons to Nörgel 1188737/24/2016 40
Purpel Neustart 1181726/24/2016 40
Der Chef Fernando 1174815/27/2016 40
The Friend Hulk 1166324/21/2016 40
The Power In A Fart 1158463/19/2016 40
Holiday Virtual 1151422/19/2016 40
The Eval Ed and the angel Lat 1143741/18/2016 40
smile for a long time 11371112/21/2015 40
Waiting for an wandering man 11303511/23/2015 40
nothing compares 11233610/25/2015 40
Romantic Schlipps 1114999/20/2015 40
Cougar Explotion 1108508/24/2015 40
The Nurse and her Hubby 1101947/28/2015 40
1 year is over 1095256/30/2015 40
lord of beuge for 1063752/19/2015 40
one to fix them all 1056541/20/2015 40
3000 tears and broken hearts 10464712/9/2014 40
to much time 10396611/10/2014 40
the worst things in life 10321310/10/2014 30
Old man sex 1022719/1/2014 40
make the last year 1014367/28/2014 40
i dont find a way out 984803/27/2014 40
The lost Ellen 978082/27/2014 40
honey for the reeperbahn 9437910/7/2013 40
Schlimm Schlimm 929018/6/2013 40
Time Out 922307/9/2013 40
what a name 911665/26/2013 40
I'm a cowgirl 905144/29/2013 40
Happy little bites here 896743/25/2013 40
love house 889822/24/2013 40
can i get more? 882371/24/2013 40
chaos for dodderers 8746812/23/2012 40
i dont get it 8665011/19/2012 40
you must love a girl to understand 8596610/21/2012 40
hit afairs 852939/23/2012 40
schrammel for the loney Alki 843218/14/2012 40
modenschau 836357/16/2012 40
Visionen 828046/12/2012 40
first strike - gekaufter Ruhm 821265/14/2012 40
Abgedrehtes Gewürzgurkenschaschlik 813584/12/2012 40
autsch 806393/13/2012 40
dont ride on a knife 799522/14/2012 40
is it pain to stay longer? 792701/16/2012 40
7 von 9 sind zügellos 7859812/19/2011 40
slaughterhouse country & western 7792411/21/2011 40
there is no Bonus for the West 7724510/24/2011 40
Hard Breathe With Rheumatism Hug 765729/26/2011 40
hallo die Waldfee 757338/22/2011 40
who says yes 749167/19/2011 40
turk girls and old bikes 742406/21/2011 40
Gestatten - Knute 732465/10/2011 40
back to the lead 725674/12/2011 40
Volker and Liv 718953/15/2011 40
the lonesome cowboy needs a song 711012/10/2011 40
The Selfdestructed Hoss Boss 703881/11/2011 40
Melody for Kohlrabi 6971512/14/2010 40
10 stars for the Westerner 6904311/16/2010 40
Mother with Radieschen 6836910/19/2010 40
This must be a Schmakofatz 676989/21/2010 40
Nervoeses Niesen 670278/24/2010 40
i keep her, because of her legs 660197/13/2010 40
She brings fever 653486/15/2010 40
Ellen Schnaps macht devot und sexy 646745/18/2010 40
Schnulzenschreiber 640024/20/2010 40
the american cowpolli 628293/2/2010 30
A new way with Marcella in a haystack 621552/2/2010 40
nobody can hear me singing 6114612/22/2009 40
zwei die heulen 6047411/24/2009 40
ring ring 5963810/20/2009 40
this were the days - to say goodbye 589669/22/2009 40
Adler in den Schmalz 582928/25/2009 40
about hips and men 576167/28/2009 40
132 564196/8/2009 30
intelligent dreaming 556315/6/2009 40
thats it 549594/8/2009 30
alles muss raus part 10 549594/8/2009 30
alles muss raus part 9 549594/8/2009 30
alles muss raus part 8 549594/8/2009 30
alles muss raus part 7 549594/8/2009 30
alles muss raus part 6 549594/8/2009 30
alles muss raus part 5 549594/8/2009 30
alles muss raus part 4 549594/8/2009 30
alles muss raus part 3 549594/8/2009 30
alles muss raus part 2 549594/8/2009 30
Riding in a new year on a blue horse 547643/31/2009 30
The Rodeo Queen Is Gone 540913/3/2009 30
cigars all the time 532531/27/2009 30
lets have a date in the sun 5258112/30/2008 40
emotionale Störung ausserhalb des Wertungsbereichs 5190812/2/2008 30
for the girls we love 5106610/28/2008 30
mama 502279/23/2008 30
the first thing in the morning 493888/19/2008 40
jetzt ist es bald geschafft 485857/17/2008 30
plattennamen gehen mir aus 485857/17/2008 30
wir haben zuviele Songs 485857/17/2008 30
alles muss raus alles muss raus 485857/17/2008 30
wir verscherbeln alles 485847/17/2008 30
alles muss raus 485847/17/2008 30
Meistersinger 485847/17/2008 30
something really healthy 485507/15/2008 30
The Time with Ani 478786/17/2008 30
when Cleo will be a D&J in Warsaw 472065/20/2008 30
a kusu for Ana and Ani 463664/15/2008 30
siempre hay una estrella brillando 456923/18/2008 30
I'd rather be a climbing ape than a falling angel 447072/6/2008 30
just dirty boys 440331/9/2008 30
what the fuck we doing next? Tantric Sex? 4371412/27/2007 30
It's Caturday! 4269511/14/2007 30
the black dog 4202310/17/2007 30
Der Haufen eines Elefanten 413499/19/2007 30
Der blöde Affe im Kittel 405158/16/2007 30
No horse, no rhino - it's a tapir! 398377/18/2007 30
when marmot cross my way 393296/27/2007 30
to wag the donkey 386555/30/2007 20
the head of a donkey 381585/9/2007 30
das schwielensohlige Trampeltier 374524/10/2007 30
Die Kamele sind los - oder was ist ein Dromedar??? 366443/7/2007 20
Der Bär Bruno 358011/31/2007 20
Pu der Baer 3359610/31/2006 20