Free Minds Core

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 2017-03-19 180 Screamo
2 Again 410 Riot Grrrl
3 Ancora 275 Folk Punk
4 Apparare 180 Oi!
5 Armadillo invertido 235 Folk Punk
6 brucia Grassi 705 Skatepunk
7 Calliope 405 Folk Punk
8 Celestial? 180 Oi!
9 che crossover! 490 Cow Punk
10 Cheppia 150 Oi!
11 Come faccio con quella? 290 Ska Punk
12 Comincio 485 Screamo
13 Cosa hai in frigo? 705 Folk Punk
14 Deciso 22 130 Anarcho Punk
15 deiezioni egocentriche 425 Folk Punk
16 Dicono sia un buon periodo 240 Folk Punk
17 Dietro o Davanti 500 Ska Punk
18 Easy come, Easy go 500 NY Hardcore
19 electronic cigarette 460 Ska Punk
20 Elettricità 175 Folk Punk
21 Ennesimo anno 430 Folk Punk
22 First Song 105 NY Hardcore
23 For dummies (me) vol 2. 420 Celtic Punk
24 Forno Ventilato 500 Ska Punk
25 Foto dei Nonni 500 Psychobilly
26 greatest hit 185 1977 Style Punk
27 Il Fumo 270 Folk Punk
28 I'm so happy 520 Skatepunk
29 jamm 400 Oi!
30 JCVA 355 Folk Punk
31 kobe sutra 500 Japcore
32 La nonna dietro 500 Ska Punk
33 La nonna in pensione 470 Ska Punk
34 La nonna sarei io? 245 Folk Punk
35 Le redini 160 Japcore
36 Le tue arterie 285 Oi!
37 Linguistica 500 Pop Punk
38 Magn-Ami 500 Oi!
39 Magnus Plata 725 Skatepunk
40 Magnus Sole 705 Proto-punk
41 ogni tanto 500 Screamo
42 Oroscopando 705 Pop Punk
43 Ostruisce 500 Oi!
44 Pifferaio Magico 290 Folk Punk
45 Portafogli vuoto 855 Celtic Punk
46 PowerGaming 290 Cow Punk
47 Proviamo p 500 Hardcore Punk
48 Punk The Casbah #2 500 Skatepunk
49 Re Ferdinando 245 Proto-punk
50 Regalo di Nonna 580 Crustcore
51 Reminiscenze 500 Celtic Punk
52 Ricomincio da DUE 800 Ska Punk
53 Ricomincio da TRE 490 Ska Punk
54 Riempipista 265 Folk Punk
55 Rilascio 500 Skatepunk
56 San Valentino 500 Proto-punk
57 Spa 500 Skatepunk
58 Troppa esperienza 500 Screamo
59 TTi 500 Emocore
60 Tu soltanto Tu 275 Oi!
61 Un appannato bacio al vetro 165 1977 Style Punk
62 Un ratto rato 415 Folk Punk
63 Unicum 500 Riot Grrrl
64 Veramente 500 Anarcho Punk
65 Virginia 170 Hardcore Punk
66 Vodka - sconnecting people 500 Proto-punk

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 5 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.