
Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 .: OrchestratinG :. 500 Doo Wop
2 .:.:like dancing:.: 500 Hip Hop Soul
3 .< The Crow & The Crescent Moon >. 500 Alternative R&B
4 .<: .Sa. Ku. Ra. :>. 500 Alternative R&B
5 .<: At the rear of the Water Line :>. 500 Motown
6 .<: Heads or Tails :>. 500 Contemporary R&B
7 .<:dozing on the nearby \|/ sofa :>. 500 Quiet Storm
8 \\ Vox Populi | Dei Vox // 500 Hip Hop Soul
9 \\\ put 2 & 2 together and make 5 /// 500 Quiet Storm
10 \\\ Do-es Skate Bite? /// 500 Hip Hop Soul
11 \\\ ORIGINALmATERIAL x tv sHOW /// 500 Contemporary R&B
12 \\\ Somebody told a joke.... /// 500 Alternative R&B
13 \\\ zany /// 500 Alternative R&B
14 \\\HowDoAllOceansSayHi2EachOther/// 500 Doo Wop
15 \\\mysty situation sections/// 500 Quiet Storm
16 \\\qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm/// 500 Funk
17 \\retrieval of enshrined cupcake's pet// 500 New Jack Swing
18 | A true story of BlackJack | 500 New Jack Swing
19 | forgottenbeatsXmiddlemetricstempos | 500 New Jack Swing
20 | reinforced underground shelter | 500 Alternative R&B
21 |~> 2 brain cells echoing each other <~| 500 Quiet Storm
22 |~> Aces High <~| 500 New Jack Swing
23 |~> Better a tomboy than a sissy <~| 500 Quiet Storm
24 |~> black~lace\-/weaver~spider <~| 500 Hip Hop Soul
25 |~> bloodthirsties & hunters <~| 500 Quiet Storm
26 |~> bloodthirsty & hunters <~| 500 Southern Soul
27 |~> Book ~ Worm's <~| 500 Quiet Storm
28 |~> Boom~Boom & Ciao <~| 500 Southern Soul
29 |~> Butt-kissing\-/sell-ouT <~| 500 Gospel
30 |~> Clock ~ chiminG <~| 500 Doo Wop
31 |~> Computers&TheirDRivin'licenses <~| 435 New Jack Swing
32 |~> easy~peasy & lemon~sqezy <~| 500 New Soul
33 |~> easy~peasy /.\ lemon~sqezy <~| 500 Hip Hop Soul
34 |~> Echoe5 <~| 500 Doo Wop
35 |~> Fiddler on the~> rooF 140 Motown
36 |~> fiendishly gifted <~| 480 Hip Hop Soul
37 |~> Garlic, yum! <~| 500 New Soul
38 |~> Green Pepper & the Fairy Tree <~| 500 Doo Wop
39 |~> hectic ~ schedule <~| 500 New Soul
40 |~> Hell Of Paradise <~| 500 Funk
41 |~> How to avoid a pile of ~> dog shit 500 Funk
42 |~> KisidefeuS <~| 500 Alternative R&B
43 |~> Laghing ~ Rocks, baby <~| 500 Southern Soul
44 |~> many & different <~| 500 Hip Hop Soul
45 |~> MiscellaneouS <~| 500 New Jack Swing
46 |~> Ouch! ~ k me fincho <~| 500 Doo Wop
47 |~> PerfiK <~| 500 Southern Soul
48 |~> Pipes bursting under the city <~| 500 G-Funk
49 |~> piranha ~ snap <~| 500 Hip Hop Soul
50 |~> piranha's ~ snap <~| 500 G-Funk
51 |~> PlaygoeR <~| 500 New Jack Swing
52 |~> Poms'Dancers <~| 500 Alternative R&B
53 |~> SErious/|\ly? <~| 500 Motown
54 |~> Sign of the TimeS <~| 500 Contemporary R&B
55 |~> SlowPokeS <~| 500 Doo Wop
56 |~> Soilfiller <~| 500 G-Funk
57 |~> Spyker ~ Spyder <~| 500 Motown
58 |~> Spyker Spyder <~| 500 New Jack Swing
59 |~> Summer ~ suitE <~| 500 70s Soul
60 |~> The apartment <~| 500 Hip Hop Soul
61 |~> The Archery Card <~| 500 New Jack Swing
62 |~> The Focus Tape <~| 500 Hip Hop Soul
63 |~> The lost&found ~> song 190 70s Soul
64 |~> TheSilenceOftheBees <~| 500 Hip Hop Soul
65 |~> Through the alleywayS <~| 500 New Soul
66 |~> transportation systems <~| 375 Southern Soul
67 |~> U'll OK, everybody loves a loser <~| 500 Quiet Storm
68 |~> Vogon ~ poetrY <~| 500 G-Funk
69 |~> Well,ComeBack 2 PorKland <~| 500 Gospel
70 |DpфrD| 500 Contemporary R&B
71 |X| 0utstretcht terminum |X| 185 Gospel
72 |X| 6's & 7's |X| 500 Gospel
73 |X| Assassin´Creed |X| 500 Southern Soul
74 |X| Awesome |come&go| waveS |X| 500 G-Funk
75 |X| C ð Light |X| 500 70s Soul
76 |X| Caps&gum |X| 500 Quiet Storm
77 |X| clearency |X| 500 Southern Soul
78 |X| Cubic splinE|X| 500 G-Funk
79 |X| DotPetToy |X| 500 Hip Hop Soul
80 |X| easy comes & easy goes |X| 500 G-Funk
81 |X| faster than the speed of light |X| 500 Funk
82 |X| Geometric Birds Wall |X| 500 Gospel
83 |X| Golden Bars |X| 500 Gospel
84 |X| Heaven is everywhere |X| 500 Alternative R&B
85 |X| hereinafter |X| 385 Hip Hop Soul
86 |X| in good TempuS |X| 500 Quiet Storm
87 |X| InLogicAmounTs |X| 500 Quiet Storm
88 |X| keycard |X| 500 New Jack Swing
89 |X| lipstick on kite |X| 500 New Soul
90 |X| Little Things |X| 500 Alternative R&B
91 |X| Lotus Butterfly |X| 500 Quiet Storm
92 |X| Magical card |X| 500 Contemporary R&B
93 |X| Mayhaps, Mayhaps, Mayhaps |X| 500 G-Funk
94 |X| motley crew |X| 500 New Jack Swing
95 |X| mountainside |X| 500 Southern Soul
96 |X| Natural Causes |X| 500 Doo Wop
97 |X| pale blue dot |X| 500 Quiet Storm
98 |X| Piece by piecE |X| 200 70s Soul
99 |X| puppy-indeed |X| 500 Contemporary R&B
100 |X| RedGaslightinG |X| 500 Doo Wop
101 |X| ShutzY |X| 455 Hip Hop Soul
102 |X| silver laughter |X| 500 Contemporary R&B
103 |X| so long ago |X| 500 Alternative R&B
104 |X| So.:.lonG |X| 500 New Soul
105 |X| sphinxlike |X| 500 Quiet Storm
106 |X| the Cloverfield theory |X| 500 G-Funk
107 |X| the oldest friend of mine |X| 370 Gospel
108 |X| Third Tip |X| 500 Doo Wop
109 |X| 'till Popoworld collapses |X| 500 Hip Hop Soul
110 |X| Tнe fire that flies |X| 260 Quiet Storm
111 |X| Unfasted distractioN |X| 500 70s Soul
112 |X| Volcano's Palm |X| 500 Doo Wop
113 |X| walk by the outside at the edge |X| 500 New Soul
114 |X| wild guess |X| 500 Funk
115 |X| Wise enougH |X| 500 Gospel
116 |X| wolfishness |X| 500 Alternative R&B
117 |X| X is for X-ray |X| 500 G-Funk
118 |X| Клуб ~ Show |X| 500 Funk
119 |X| МyltutacД |X| 500 Doo Wop
120 |X| Фильм |X| 500 Southern Soul
121 |X|all-too-familiar|X| 500 Doo Wop
122 |X|Best Before Day. Ironic part II|X| 500 Quiet Storm
123 |X|forgottenbeatsXmiddlemetricstempos|X| 500 Motown
124 |X|Homemade birthday cake|X| 500 Doo Wop
125 |X|Palimpsest|X| 500 Hip Hop Soul
126 |X|PhonoGraphiC|X| 500 New Jack Swing
127 |X|sunlight streaming ðrough ðə trees|X| 500 Alternative R&B
128 |X|the Lioness & the Wolf|X| 500 Gospel
129 |X|the N WithiN|X| 500 70s Soul
130 |X|Vice ~ Versa|X| 500 Motown
131 |Xl the noble gas gang |X| 500 70s Soul
132 ~ .... ~ .... ~ 500 Hip Hop Soul
133 ~ Ali Baba and the forty thieves ~ 500 Southern Soul
134 ~ as a fart in a jam jar ~ 500 New Soul
135 ~ Atishoo ~ 500 Motown
136 ~ aTTaboY ~ 500 New Jack Swing
137 ~ Becomin' a TeleHub ~ 500 Funk
138 ~ box of chocolates ~ 500 New Jack Swing
139 ~ By all MeanS ~ 500 Quiet Storm
140 ~ Candies and lollipopS ~ 500 Alternative R&B
141 ~ certainly ~ 500 Hip Hop Soul
142 ~ Children's ~ Playground ~ 500 Doo Wop
143 ~ CircusBuffonLecturer ~ 325 70s Soul
144 ~ combinations ~ 500 Contemporary R&B
145 ~ Dunes of Illusion ~ 500 New Jack Swing
146 ~ easy2remember ~ 500 Motown
147 ~ Far From The Shallow ~ 500 Quiet Storm
148 ~ flash in the pan ~ 500 Motown
149 ~ From there 2 Eternity ~ 500 New Jack Swing
150 ~ Gimme some sugar baby! ~ 500 Funk
151 ~ gozdnahiik ~ 500 Motown
152 ~ Hello, KokaLongKola ~ 500 G-Funk
153 ~ It's the Great Pumpkin ~ 500 Motown
154 ~ jinx ~ 500 Contemporary R&B
155 ~ k*âj re ~ 500 Doo Wop
156 ~ Keep it simple ~ 500 G-Funk
157 ~ Legacy ~ 500 Hip Hop Soul
158 ~ Midway ~ 500 G-Funk
159 ~ PerfecT ~ 500 New Soul
160 ~ pleased as punch ~ 500 70s Soul
161 ~ PopoComputer's ~ Hangover ~ 500 70s Soul
162 ~ Rapper of the Moment ~ 500 Doo Wop
163 ~ Same as sayin' Marocco is Africa ~ 500 Alternative R&B
164 ~ Summerteeth ~ 500 70s Soul
165 ~ Symphony of Time ~ 500 Contemporary R&B
166 ~ the smearest of smoke & mirrors ~ 500 Contemporary R&B
167 ~ This beat is a chemicaL ~ 500 Hip Hop Soul
168 ~ UnevennesS ~ 500 G-Funk
169 ~ Water in Swift ~ 500 Hip Hop Soul
170 ~ whopper ~ 190 Motown
171 ~ windmills on sight ~ 500 Motown
172 ~ Yours, sincerely ~ 500 Doo Wop
173 ~ski~ba~bop~ba~dop~bop~ 500 G-Funk
174 ~Violins&Roses~ 500 New Soul
175 ~whaddayaknow~ 500 Southern Soul
176 <. Gone /|\ to meet its maker .> 500 Quiet Storm
177 <: Be-4-Nor-A :> 500 Hip Hop Soul
178 <: R.apiD E.yeS M.ovementS :> 500 Contemporary R&B
179 <:OblivioN:> 500 Quiet Storm
180 > Abi's Sting, she's so heavy, bro! < 500 Doo Wop
181 > Natural born Killers < 500 Gospel
182 > oomph < 500 New Jack Swing
183 > ooomph < 500 Southern Soul
184 > the NorthernMost&Koldest MegaCity on < 500 Hip Hop Soul
185 >, A /|\ kind of natural,< 425 Hip Hop Soul
186 >, additional /|\ Top~Topic ,> 500 Alternative R&B
187 >, Ascending /|\ The World Beyond ,> 500 Gospel
188 >, becoming fully /|\ unmanned ,> 500 Funk
189 >, Brothers in /|\ scissors,< 160 70s Soul
190 >, buy Urself an /|\ interaction boost,> 500 Doo Wop
191 >, Crush vs Crashed .< 500 G-Funk
192 >, ðBrightnessOffðWholeColourSpectrum ,< 500 Quiet Storm
193 >, DistortedPie /|\ AndIt´sHungryInch ,> 500 G-Funk
194 >, DistortedPie /|\ AndItsHungryInch ,> 500 Funk
195 >, DoNotBiteYourNails: GoShoppin' ,< 500 Doo Wop
196 >, Easy 2 Apply /|\ Easy 2 Remove,< 500 New Jack Swing
197 >, Ecologically /|\ Preserved ,> 500 Alternative R&B
198 >, Endlessly /|\WhiteCloudIntegration ,> 500 G-Funk
199 >, EveryThing /|\ EveryWhere ,> 500 Quiet Storm
200 >, Girls /|\ justwannahavefans ,> 500 Doo Wop
201 >, giving U the book's /|\ look ,< 320 Hip Hop Soul
202 >, Good night /|\ MooN ,> 500 Quiet Storm
203 >, Handouts vs no handouts .< 500 Southern Soul
204 >, Hellium /|\ Balloons ,> 500 New Jack Swing
205 >, How GSG is to B tought by /|\ U,< 190 70s Soul
206 >, In it 2 win /|\ iT,< 500 New Jack Swing
207 >, It smells to burnt /|\ Chickpea ,< 405 Hip Hop Soul
208 >, Mwah /|\ nwaH ,> 500 G-Funk
209 >, My heart skip a /|\ beasT,< 500 Contemporary R&B
210 >, Nel blue di pinto di blues ,< 500 Doo Wop
211 >, on~the~stage /|\ moshing ,> 500 Funk
212 >, orange~blossom~water ,< 500 Contemporary R&B
213 >, Originality /|\ free report ,> 500 Southern Soul
214 >, Plays vs Games .< 500 Southern Soul
215 >, PotatoFriesCouch /|\ GuinessRecord,< 500 Alternative R&B
216 >, Prunus /|\ Serrulata ,< 500 Gospel
217 >, Qui Pro /|\ Woe ,> 500 Contemporary R&B
218 >, Rain /|\ Harvestin' ,> 500 New Soul
219 >, REHarvesting ,< 500 Doo Wop
220 >, revealeD /|\ manifestatioN ,> 500 Doo Wop
221 >, Rubber Duck's in deepest/|\ TroublE,< 500 70s Soul
222 >, Scored /|\ carD,< 490 New Jack Swing
223 >, Space's appearance's perspectives ,< 310 70s Soul
224 >, StaminaSuckin' /|\ AtAdventuring ,> 500 Quiet Storm
225 >, Stayin' in the tube /|\ endlessly ,< 500 Alternative R&B
226 >, TheBleating/|\ofTheTenderSheep ,> 500 Motown
227 >, tic~tac /|\ toe ,> 500 Funk
228 >, toe /|\ curlin',< 500 New Soul
229 >, ToughNut /|\ 2Crack ,> 500 Quiet Storm
230 >, Úlfhéðnar not Berserkers ,< 500 Doo Wop
231 >, Urban /|\ Legends ,> 500 70s Soul
232 >, WakinG /|\ on mornin'sunshine ,> 500 Doo Wop
233 >, WarmBlooded ,< 500 Quiet Storm
234 >, whatever it makes u /|\ LaugH ,> 500 Hip Hop Soul
235 >, Who´s /|\ next ?,< 460 Southern Soul
236 >,... /|\ .... ,> 500 Alternative R&B
237 >,A little bird told me /|\ .... ,> 500 New Jack Swing
238 >,attitude /|\ question,< 500 G-Funk
239 >,comfort /|\ zone,> 500 G-Funk
240 >,eureka /|\ sprinkles,> 500 Doo Wop
241 >,How 2 avoid piles of /|\ dog shit,> 500 Gospel
242 >,pullin'Off /|\ anOld-fashioneDDance,> 315 Funk
243 >,Revenío /|\ it's Zero's nickname,> 500 Funk
244 >,salvation is out of my /|\ league,> 500 New Soul
245 >,small pieces of same/|\ puzzle,> 500 Quiet Storm
246 >,Teeny~weeny/|\ whatsoever,< 500 Doo Wop
247 >,that's my /|\ spot,> 500 Quiet Storm
248 >,The Ultra~classical /|\ names,> 500 Funk
249 >,Throughout Noisy /|\ Campfire,> 500 New Soul
250 >,unintelligible /|\ signature,> 200 Gospel
251 >,Vanishingly small but /|\ NotZero,> 500 Alternative R&B
252 >,war of the three /|\ planeS,< 500 Southern Soul
253 >,Where snow last fell /|\ in London?,> 500 New Soul
254 >,wishy~washy/|\whiskey inthearlymornin' 500 G-Funk
255 >.Space's appearance /|\ perspectives.> 500 Contemporary R&B
256 >Landing back to the Seas of the Earth< 500 Doo Wop
257 >Nebulas spiders and other inhabitants< 500 Southern Soul
258 7 p.m. ~ in Nankurunaisa 500 Hip Hop Soul
259 A fly pulled &dropped a piece of stone 500 G-Funk
260 Æ Better Late Than Never Æ 500 Funk
261 Æ Compulsory Æ 500 Doo Wop
262 Æ Farewell Æ 500 New Soul
263 Æ I'm getting itchy feet Æ 500 Gospel
264 Æ SpectacleS Æ 500 New Soul
265 ALumpyPigeon'sBloodRubyTheSizeOfAnEgg 500 Alternative R&B
266 At the time 2 lapis-lazuli 500 Funk
267 AThousandYearsOver ~ Plus7SecondsMore 500 Contemporary R&B
268 BarrenOvergrownUnusedBleakBadlandsArea 500 Motown
269 Big ~ Book 270 New Soul
270 Big bang bang whims 2 shoot me down 500 G-Funk
271 bobble-headed jock itch 500 Doo Wop
272 Caught the Kitty & Left the Mule to ride 500 Alternative R&B
273 chickpea ~ bean 500 Doo Wop
274 city ~ beat 400 Southern Soul
275 Clear&ColourlessCrystallineCarbonForm 500 Alternative R&B
276 Double ~ SerinuS 500 Quiet Storm
277 Drama ~ List 500 Motown
278 Ecological Reserve 500 Gospel
279 Eggcellent ~ Brunch 500 Alternative R&B
280 Fair winds and following sea's 500 G-Funk
281 Fauna shouldn't be misused but climbed 500 New Soul
282 Fire on the Mountain 500 Alternative R&B
283 FlawlesS 500 Doo Wop
284 forecastle 500 Southern Soul
285 Gnawing ~ motioN 500 New Soul
286 Golden ~ minE 350 Gospel
287 Gone to meet its maker! 500 New Jack Swing
288 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Funk
289 Green Magical Pollen 500 New Soul
290 Handed-Down 500 G-Funk
291 Hard as Nails 500 Funk
292 House of the Rising Sun 500 Quiet Storm
293 husbandry 500 New Soul
294 HyberPercussNatIoN 500 Southern Soul
295 invice ~ versa 500 New Soul
296 Irish~Spring~Soap 500 Alternative R&B
297 Just the way 500 New Jack Swing
298 Kobe's B-Day 500 Contemporary R&B
299 Kobe's Teachings. 500 G-Funk
300 KollectorSPirouettЭ 500 Hip Hop Soul
301 Lightning Bolts against Spears 500 Quiet Storm
302 Long-Term ~ Memory-Gained 500 Contemporary R&B
303 Loose lips sink ships 500 Quiet Storm
304 mammalian paradoxical random movements 500 Alternative R&B
305 Mind your mood 500 New Jack Swing
306 minecrafT ~ Generation 500 Contemporary R&B
307 Mira que coisa mais linda 500 Doo Wop
308 Monkey see ~ Monkey does 500 Hip Hop Soul
309 My first teenager's B-day 500 Alternative R&B
310 Neverending hunks from surreptitious hit 500 New Jack Swing
311 number 9 500 G-Funk
312 NutCrakers 500 G-Funk
313 Paint from the same brush 500 New Jack Swing
314 PhrophessionaLKhomediE 500 Hip Hop Soul
315 Pickin'~Up ~ Catchin'~Up 500 G-Funk
316 Pigs øn тнe Wing - Pink Floyd Cover 500 Quiet Storm
317 Powdering~Nose 500 Contemporary R&B
318 Precious ~ ComedishMoments 500 New Jack Swing
319 Quick ~ Jam 500 Hip Hop Soul
320 Read After Write 500 Doo Wop
321 ReflectionsFromWindDownTendeciesAngles 500 Quiet Storm
322 regular oval shape' in an oblique plane 500 Hip Hop Soul
323 roughly ~ equidistant 500 Funk
324 Shanty' 500 Hip Hop Soul
325 Shrubby ornaments of white fragance 500 Quiet Storm
326 six-foot-tall 500 Alternative R&B
327 SloW ~ HandS 500 Doo Wop
328 Smoking feather always makes U very high 500 Quiet Storm
329 Space's appearance's perspectives 500 New Soul
330 Steel ~ Standin' 500 Gospel
331 StereotypicaL ~ TOC 120 70s Soul
332 StrongHold 500 Quiet Storm
333 Ta ~ dA!!! 500 New Soul
334 TabulA ~ RasA 500 Doo Wop
335 Talking about LoveCraft.... 500 G-Funk
336 Terms of Ability neither Strength 500 New Soul
337 the perfect one was chosen 500 Gospel
338 They happen to beef-up altogether 500 Gospel
339 They taught you how to pass the test 500 New Soul
340 Too-Little \./ Too-Late 500 Alternative R&B
341 two ~ suitcases 500 Doo Wop
342 UnderGrounded Dreams 500 Quiet Storm
343 Untimely ~ openingS 500 Hip Hop Soul
344 Vice ~ Versa 500 Quiet Storm
345 VolcaniCratererCountenance 500 Contemporary R&B
346 walkin' ~ theDoG 500 Motown
347 went for a stroll around the block 500 Alternative R&B
348 WhatDoesALineMakeUpOutOfDotsMean? 500 Quiet Storm
349 Whatever It Takes: Ironic! 500 Hip Hop Soul
350 WorkShop 500 Funk

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 3 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.