
Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 .< .< just dive in! > 500 Motown
2 .< .< Bottle of Dom on the Rocks< 500 Gospel
3 .< .< child jumping on bed > 195 Southern Soul
4 .< .< Great Expectations > 500 Contemporary R&B
5 .< .< lady wrestler & foreign accent < 455 Southern Soul
6 .< .< liquid diamonds > 500 New Jack Swing
7 .< .< Litany of Rain > 500 G-Funk
8 .< .< Misty-eyed < 400 New Soul
9 .< .< my turn to be a wave > 500 Contemporary R&B
10 .< .< nothin' but cocodrile's tears> 500 Hip Hop Soul
11 .< .< PrimRose ~ WaterPath >. >. 500 Quiet Storm
12 .< .< puppies & poetry > 500 Gospel
13 .< .< put your luggage up the top < 505 Hip Hop Soul
14 .< .< shake it up like that < 470 Southern Soul
15 .< .< tea with jam > 500 New Soul
16 .< .< The Clouded Mountain > 500 Quiet Storm
17 .< .< the watermill hydropower > 500 Quiet Storm
18 .< .< Twin Blossom ~ Schooling Peaks > 500 Alternative R&B
19 .< .< unicorns in town< 500 Alternative R&B
20 .< .< watching the clouds roll by > 500 New Soul
21 .< .< Wattering Storm ~ in Reserved Key> 500 Quiet Storm
22 .< .< What is the with in Snowflake? > 500 Quiet Storm
23 .< Akvárium >. 500 New Soul
24 .< April showers bring May flowers >. 500 Contemporary R&B
25 .< aquatic~cosmic~self >. 500 Quiet Storm
26 .< At LasT ~ Still WaterS >. 500 Funk
27 .< Bushwhackers trying to strike again>, 500 Quiet Storm
28 .< celebrating The ~> Beastivity >. 315 Gospel
29 .< Fifth ~ Stage >. 500 Contemporary R&B
30 .< Glowing Hand >. 500 Funk
31 .< Interpretation of public act >. 500 Southern Soul
32 .< Kold Komet KemiKal >. 500 Alternative R&B
33 .< Like astronauts in the ocean ~ Soap > 500 Alternative R&B
34 .< lovely-loved ~ lively-life >. 500 Quiet Storm
35 .< Maze of my mind >. 500 Doo Wop
36 .< Mellow Impression's extracts >. 500 70s Soul
37 .< Mostly >. 500 Doo Wop
38 .< Savin' raindrops ~ from windows >. 500 Southern Soul
39 .< Short-Term ~ Memory-Gained >. 500 Doo Wop
40 .< Strange ~ Attractors >. 500 Quiet Storm
41 .< Teaching ~> All~night~long>. 500 Motown
42 .< The charming music ~> box>. 190 Gospel
43 .< The Crow & The Crescent Moon >. 500 Alternative R&B
44 .< The knoT >. 500 Quiet Storm
45 .< Trilogies >. 500 Funk
46 .< visible through living skin >. 500 Contemporary R&B
47 .< WaterLog ~ Shield >. 500 Doo Wop
48 .< World on WinterFallingSnow Mode >. 500 70s Soul
49 .<.< Steel Mermaid >,>, 500 Motown
50 .<.< Vault of Love >,>, 500 Motown
51 .<.Landing back to the Seas of the Earth 500 G-Funk
52 .<.TheFlythatpulled&droppedapieceofstone 500 New Jack Swing
53 .<: Serious carving on those waveS:>. 500 Quiet Storm
54 .<: .Sa. Ku. Ra. :>. 500 New Soul
55 .<: > ..... < :>. 500 New Soul
56 .<: > Natural born Killers < :>. 500 Southern Soul
57 .<: At the rear of the Water Line :>. 500 G-Funk
58 .<: Book of Life :>. 500 New Soul
59 .<: go-goes ~ went-gone :>. 500 Contemporary R&B
60 .<: Heads or Tails :>. 500 Contemporary R&B
61 .<: HigH spectations :>. 500 Quiet Storm
62 .<: kiss-kiss~bang-bang :>. 500 Motown
63 .<: Lucky Strike ~ Silver Blues :>. 500 Southern Soul
64 .<: Music's Business :>. 500 Doo Wop
65 .<: semi-precious~deep-blue :>. 500 New Soul
66 .<: StarClay :>. 500 Quiet Storm
67 .<: The Path that leads to Iona :>. 500 Doo Wop
68 .<:About MindValley:>. 500 Funk
69 .<< Rainy day meN <. 500 Alternative R&B
70 .<< unaquacteristically <. 500 70s Soul
71 .<< WinterFallingSnow Mode <. 500 Gospel
72 \./ A м b ə \./ 500 Quiet Storm
73 \./ ....... \./ 500 Doo Wop
74 \./ Ashes Series \./ 500 Doo Wop
75 \./ Besides the Obvious \./ 500 Funk
76 \./ blowout \./ 500 G-Funk
77 \./ hot chains'custody \./ 500 Motown
78 \./ It's Friday, I am in love \./ 440 New Jack Swing
79 \./ long range slingshot \./ 500 Alternative R&B
80 \./ Lor3 \./ 500 New Jack Swing
81 \./ Paradoxically \./ 500 Quiet Storm
82 \./ The Coco warmer \./ channeL 500 Quiet Storm
83 \./ The Music From Beyond \./ 500 Funk
84 \./ The theorY ~ Soap \./ 400 Hip Hop Soul
85 \./ Xiuhtecuhtli \./ 500 New Soul
86 \./-/*\-\./ 500 Alternative R&B
87 \./big hard sun\./ 500 New Soul
88 \./blazin'*by teaching\./ 500 New Jack Swing
89 \./Ch0seN\./ 500 Alternative R&B
90 \./Cross the fireroaD\./ 500 G-Funk
91 \./Dancin´ ~> flameS\./ 320 Gospel
92 \./Epitome\./chaP\./ 500 Alternative R&B
93 \./FireshoT\./ 500 Alternative R&B
94 \./FlawlesS\./ 500 New Soul
95 \./IgnitionN\./ 500 Gospel
96 \./Level of concern ~> minuSZero\./ 250 Southern Soul
97 \./PeacemakeR\./ 500 New Jack Swing
98 \./Professional\./Poetry\./ 500 G-Funk
99 \./Rings\./\./OfFirE\./ 500 Alternative R&B
100 \./R'lyeh\./ 500 New Soul
101 \./Roots X ReOrchestratin'\./ 175 Motown
102 \./Serpent'sTongue\./ 500 Motown
103 \./slewin'dragons\./ 500 Funk
104 \./stirring the pot\./ 500 Motown
105 \./wether\./ 420 Southern Soul
106 \\ RedElephants\with/BlueStripes // 500 Motown
107 \\\ 24 seconds 2 blowout /// 500 Doo Wop
108 \\\ Aerial ~ Plain /// 500 Funk
109 \\\ Air likes birds /// 500 G-Funk
110 \\\ attaboy!/// 500 Contemporary R&B
111 \\\ Bathyscaph3 /// 500 Southern Soul
112 \\\ bird's-eye view /// 335 G-Funk
113 \\\ blow your load boy, load & up /// 500 Quiet Storm
114 \\\ blow your no dice again, Sam /// 500 Gospel
115 \\\ breakinGWave /// 250 Gospel
116 \\\ breathinGWave /// 500 Contemporary R&B
117 \\\ Breezy Point /// 500 Motown
118 \\\ Bunch of mumbo jumbo blowxhit /// 500 Doo Wop
119 \\\ Do-es Skate Bite-s? /// 500 Doo Wop
120 \\\ Escapism on Ukelele /// 500 Motown
121 \\\ Freddy´s Cyclone /// 500 New Jack Swing
122 \\\ Given alreadY /// 480 New Jack Swing
123 \\\ GroovY /// 180 70s Soul
124 \\\ HabooB /// 500 Southern Soul
125 \\\ Heaven under our feet /// 500 Doo Wop
126 \\\ HomogeneousChorusDancerDivision /// 500 Gospel
127 \\\ icelandic\|/burger /// 500 Gospel
128 \\\ In it 2 wind iT /// 500 New Jack Swing
129 \\\ IntegraL /// 500 Contemporary R&B
130 \\\ InteractiveVoiceResponse (DTMF) /// 500 G-Funk
131 \\\ InteractiveVoiceResponse /// 500 Hip Hop Soul
132 \\\ KaleidoscopeisM /// 500 Hip Hop Soul
133 \\\ KannulaR/// 500 Funk
134 \\\ mountain pass of blizzards /// 500 Hip Hop Soul
135 \\\ nincompoops /// 470 Hip Hop Soul
136 \\\ plastiCInvation /// 500 Hip Hop Soul
137 \\\ polarizin'/// 345 Hip Hop Soul
138 \\\ precious is out of pee~pads /// 500 New Soul
139 \\\ seasonal Anemois /// 500 Alternative R&B
140 \\\ Sewin'Sewin'Sewin' /// 155 Motown
141 \\\ Shu /// 500 New Soul
142 \\\ Soaring Albatross /// 500 Southern Soul
143 \\\ Someone told a joke /// 500 Doo Wop
144 \\\ song that echoes on /// 500 Hip Hop Soul
145 \\\ T.B.R.S. /// 325 Hip Hop Soul
146 \\\ The blizzard's warnin' theorY /// 220 70s Soul
147 \\\ The windy theorY /// 500 Funk
148 \\\ thingamabob whatsit gizmo /// 500 Gospel
149 \\\ thingamajigger /// 500 70s Soul
150 \\\ ThingAmaJiggeRs /// 500 Contemporary R&B
151 \\\ top gas speed /// 500 Hip Hop Soul
152 \\\ Trumpets&Drums /// 500 Alternative R&B
153 \\\ TubulaR /// 500 New Soul
154 \\\ vacuum pressure /// 500 Contemporary R&B
155 \\\ What, are you selling those? /// 500 Contemporary R&B
156 \\\ Whatchamacallit /// 500 Motown
157 \\\ Whistlin' in the aiR /// 500 70s Soul
158 \\\ Wind Beneath My Wings/// 500 Contemporary R&B
159 \\\ wind swept /// 500 Contemporary R&B
160 \\\ WinddeLL /// 500 70s Soul
161 \\\ Windswept Feldmark /// 500 Contemporary R&B
162 \\\ WindWard /// 500 Hip Hop Soul
163 \\\ windy personal access code /// 500 Alternative R&B
164 \\\ Windy´s personal access codE // 500 Contemporary R&B
165 \\\ wuthering wild flowers of NY /// 500 Doo Wop
166 \\\ your dog sounds winded /// 500 Alternative R&B
167 \\\ z-snap /// 500 Doo Wop
168 \\\ zZzzZz ~ snap /// 500 Southern Soul
169 \\\|X|/// 500 G-Funk
170 \\\burglar broke a sacred seal/// 500 Contemporary R&B
171 \\\Don'TLooseTouchWithYourAimedTarget/// 500 Gospel
172 \\\glistenin'likesun&waterwhile fishi'// 500 G-Funk
173 \\\HowDoAllOceansSayHi2EachOther/// 500 Doo Wop
174 \\\mammalianparadoxicalrandommovement/// 500 Motown
175 \\\mountain pass of blizzards/// 500 G-Funk
176 \\\mysty situation sections/// 500 Gospel
177 \\\qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm/// 500 Alternative R&B
178 \\\RaW/// 500 New Soul
179 \\\ThatWindWasInTheBackOfYourLowerHair// 500 Gospel
180 \\\TheyNeverHaveUnderstoodTheTides/// 500 G-Funk
181 <.<: freebie liquid footlight :> 500 G-Funk
182 <.<: wide-of ~ the-mark :> 500 Quiet Storm
183 <: R.apiD E.yeS M.ovementS :> 500 Quiet Storm
184 <: wide-of ~ the-mark :> 500 Contemporary R&B
185 <:OblivioN:> 500 Doo Wop
186 > Natural born Killers < 500 Doo Wop
187 >Landing back to the Seas of the Earth< 500 G-Funk
188 >Nebulas spiders and other inhabitants< 500 Quiet Storm
189 AbsolutelyCleanAsAlmostSpotless 500 Doo Wop
190 AbsolutelyCleanAsEvenAlmostSpotless 500 Southern Soul
191 ABunchOfRinky-dinkTabloidGarbage 500 Funk
192 AdoptedByIitOwnParticularQualityConcept 500 Southern Soul
193 Æ ghoistidh Æ 500 Gospel
194 AllThoseSplittedBitsMergedByTheThrong 500 New Jack Swing
195 ALumpyPigeon'sBloodRubyTheSizeOfAnEgg 500 Alternative R&B
196 AnimatedMusicalBraggadocConvertionComedy 500 70s Soul
197 AnimatedMusicalFantasyAdventureComedy 500 Gospel
198 AnimatedMusicalFantasyAdventuredComedy 500 Alternative R&B
199 ArtOfArrangin'LivingOrDriedxforAdornment 500 70s Soul
200 AsFarAsIcanSeeYourFaceInTheMoon 500 70s Soul
201 AtlantiC\./ForesT 500 Contemporary R&B
202 autochthonous \./ chronicle 500 Funk
203 bablerabblethatdoesn'tcomefromrealrealm 500 Quiet Storm
204 BarrenOvergrownUnusedBleakBadlandsArea 500 Motown
205 BeaminG \./ SuN 500 Doo Wop
206 Beloved\./chilD 500 Motown
207 Black \./ Frères 500 Doo Wop
208 BlatantThat'sExtremelyOrUnusuallyLarge 195 Motown
209 BlowYourButts2KingdomCome 500 Southern Soul
210 bobble-headed jock itch 500 Quiet Storm
211 CelestialBeingDwellingNearTheSun 500 New Soul
212 Clear&ColourlessCrystallineCarbonForm 500 Motown
213 CoveredInRunes&GlyphsOfAncientAlphabet 500 Quiet Storm
214 dates back to the origen of inception 500 G-Funk
215 DoUEvenKnowTheTimeXyou2go2Bed? 500 Contemporary R&B
216 Dreaming'sExclusivelyPoorMindedRichsOnly 130 70s Soul
217 drive me 2\./firenze\./ 500 Contemporary R&B
218 drive me to\./firenze\./ 500 New Jack Swing
219 Eternal \./ flameS 500 Southern Soul
220 EvensongInActOfIndigoGoodnesses 445 Hip Hop Soul
221 faithfromthetip-topofthewatchtower 500 Quiet Storm
222 FarFarBelowOrHighHighAbove (reprise mix) 500 G-Funk
223 FarFarBelowOrrHighHighAbove 500 Funk
224 FeelsLikeAPlaceUCouldVisitAnytime 500 Doo Wop
225 fire 2 B \./ kindled \./ 500 Hip Hop Soul
226 Fire on the Mountain 500 New Jack Swing
227 Fire\./shoT 500 Gospel
228 FlameBotanic\./BackGarden 500 Contemporary R&B
229 Flashes\./ beforeyourvery \./eyeS 500 New Jack Swing
230 ForwardPartOfShipBelowTheDeck 500 New Soul
231 FosteredAreasOfTopicsComprehension 500 Quiet Storm
232 Ghostly \./wildfirekisses\./ 500 70s Soul
233 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Doo Wop
234 Hard as Nails 500 Doo Wop
235 HeavierThanOliphauntsInArms 500 Contemporary R&B
236 HellIsA~B&B~OfTrulyAbismalQuality 500 Doo Wop
237 HellIsAHotelOfTrulyAbismalQuality 500 Gospel
238 Honey'sSweeterThanVinegaR 500 Gospel
239 Hot peppers\./and spicy onions 500 Contemporary R&B
240 House of the Rising Sun 500 70s Soul
241 In It to Win It \./ 500 Gospel
242 ItsBreathtakin'WhatUcanDoWhitoutEvenTry 500 Doo Wop
243 ItWasNeverOurProblemItIsYours 500 Quiet Storm
244 Just the way 500 70s Soul
245 Khamsa fi ainek 500 G-Funk
246 KissMeHardCutestJailbirdEverSeen 500 Motown
247 KollectorSPirouettЭ 500 Quiet Storm
248 KomplexKratersUpliftedByKentralCiKles 500 Doo Wop
249 Letting out an ear\./piercing whistle 500 Quiet Storm
250 Lightning Bolts against Spears 500 Quiet Storm
251 loose lipS \./always\./ Sink ships 500 Southern Soul
252 major \./ last \./ drag~on 500 New Jack Swing
253 measurin'ofTimeByAnInstrument,accurate 385 Hip Hop Soul
254 memento\./vivire 500 Quiet Storm
255 Miniature \./ Thunderheads 500 Gospel
256 Moon'sManConstantlyOrbitin'RoundMehahaha 500 New Jack Swing
257 MostRenownedAchievementAtMinorEffort 500 Quiet Storm
258 Ni Muer - Ni Viu - Ni No Guarís 500 Doo Wop
259 NonEveryMoveIsAChangeForTheBetter,Ever. 500 New Jack Swing
260 NothingNewDifferentOrUnheardOfBefore 500 Quiet Storm
261 NotInFeet&InchesButByIncrementsOfFear 500 New Soul
262 NutCrakers 500 G-Funk
263 OmNomNomMammaMiaNomNomOmn 500 70s Soul
264 OrHow2MasterTheNobleArtOfPosin'Attention 500 G-Funk
265 OwlsAreNotTheOnlyNocturnalBirdsOfPrey 500 G-Funk
266 PhrophessionaLKhomediE 500 Quiet Storm
267 Pigs øn тнe Wing 500 New Soul
268 Pigs øn тнe Wing - Pink Floyd Cover 500 Funk
269 propane \./ accessories 500 Quiet Storm
270 ProvidedServicesInAccorDanceWithPlan 500 Hip Hop Soul
271 Raised by \./FireSwans\./ 500 New Soul
272 Redefinin'Alma' B.M.P.'sMusic 265 Quiet Storm
273 ReflectionsFromWidow'WindowTendecieAngle 360 70s Soul
274 ReflectionsFromWindDownTendeciesAngles 500 Quiet Storm
275 RevisitedWellKnownLittleKnownLands 500 New Jack Swing
276 Rue d'Auseil 500 Southern Soul
277 RuinS\./StoneS 500 Alternative R&B
278 SameAsMonkeysAtTypewritingMachines 500 New Soul
279 ScapismOnhipblowdryhopKey(PretenderMix) 500 G-Funk
280 sending \./inflamable\./ regards 500 G-Funk
281 Shrubby ornaments of white fragance 500 G-Funk
282 simple forms\./massive effects 500 Hip Hop Soul
283 SimplisticsFormsWithMassiveEffectS 500 Doo Wop
284 SlangWall\./EndGame 500 Quiet Storm
285 Smoking feather always makes U very high 500 Doo Wop
286 solid \./ gold 500 Motown
287 SurroundedByTheRingOfRings 500 Doo Wop
288 Talking about LoveCraft.... 500 Quiet Storm
289 TellTheBeesWishingIamNotGoneAlready 500 Doo Wop
290 Terms of Ability neither Strength 500 Motown
291 TheAppointedRulerOfThe7Seas' Daughter 500 Contemporary R&B
292 thebablerabbledoesn'tcomefromrealrealm 500 Quiet Storm
293 TheStoneThatKilled2BirdsWithOneShoot 500 Gospel
294 TheStoneThatKilled2BirdsWithOnly1Shoot 500 Southern Soul
295 TheWaySomeonePresentsThemselves 500 Hip Hop Soul
296 ThroroughlySide-to-sidEjawmotioN 500 Gospel
297 Too-Little \./ Too-Late 500 Gospel
298 U'dBetterMindYOURownBUSINESSforREAL 500 Hip Hop Soul
299 UncollectedChildishJustificationFeatures 500 Southern Soul
300 VolcaniCratererCountenance 500 Quiet Storm
301 WaitingForThePunchOfaLongJoke 500 Contemporary R&B
302 went for a stroll around the block 500 Funk
303 WhatDoesALineMakeUpOutOfDotsMean? 500 Quiet Storm
304 Whatever It Takes: Ironic! 500 Quiet Storm
305 WhatWillBeWillBeForSureDealWithIt 500 Doo Wop
306 WhoNeedsScienceWhenThere'sPluckines&Spun 500 Quiet Storm
307 Wild\./firE 500 Hip Hop Soul
308 Wisp of \./SmokE\./ 500 Quiet Storm
309 with a single \./ SparK \./ 500 Motown
310 WooddChip\./FromTheSame\./OldBlock 500 Gospel
311 WormholeReallyPoorlySucksAtDownhole 390 Doo Wop
312 WritingChecksThatWillBePaiD 500 Doo Wop
313 You'dBetterLearnYourLessonWell 500 Alternative R&B

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 5 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.