Your favorite Country Chicks

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 3 Pizzen und 1 Flammkuchen 500 Country Pop
2 50 year old great-grandmother 500 Traditional Country
3 a crying child inside my heart 500 Honky Tonk
4 A diamond in the rough 530 Bluegrass
5 A dress like a breath of nothing 500 Country Pop
6 A groupie named Billy Bob 500 Country Pop
7 a smile that lights up the darkest place 590 Outlaw Country
8 A song for Aila 590 Outlaw Country
9 A total brit from another country 500 Outlaw Country
10 All paths lead to you 500 Country Pop
11 All you did was lie 500 Bro Country
12 And the award for best lover goes to 500 Bro Country
13 And they lived happily ever middle 500 Traditional Country
14 Ariel, the prom queen goddess 490 Bro Country
15 Bad decisions usually make good stories 500 Hillbilly Boogie
16 Badass Space-Country-Pirate 490 Hillbilly Boogie
17 Because I la la la la love you 500 Bro Country
18 Blindfolded Benevolence 500 Bluegrass
19 Bones and Bels 500 Truck Driving Country
20 Can we just stay and kiss 500 Country Pop
21 Carmen Cattanach, Clan of the Cat 500 Hillbilly Boogie
22 Charming and the romantic criminal 250 Traditional Country
23 Chocolate, ice cream and vodka 475 Country Pop
24 collector 500 Country Pop
25 Coolest girl on earth 500 Alternative Country
26 Could have, would have, should have 580 Outlaw Country
27 Daisies in Meadows 500 Truck Driving Country
28 Dancing criminals 265 Hillbilly Boogie
29 Dancing with the Ocean 330 Bakersfield Sound
30 Diving in those Ocean Eyes 500 Bro Country
31 Don't look at me in that tone of voice 500 Country Rock
32 drifted apart and now we are strangers 500 Bluegrass
33 Drowning in Teddybears 575 Outlaw Country
34 Ein Gott mit Revolver 500 Traditional Country
35 Ein Koala zum Geburtstag 505 Country Pop
36 Em and Bond are getting married 580 Outlaw Country
37 Eyes like an angel 585 Outlaw Country
38 Feeling moody on Valentine's Day 500 Outlaw Country
39 Feeling sorry for myself 500 Bluegrass
40 First piece of a birthday cake 500 Bro Country
41 friends are the family you choose 500 Country Rock
42 Friendship is a tree, love is a flower 580 Outlaw Country
43 From best friends to fiancé, I love you 500 Outlaw Country
44 From strangers to Mcmahon 460 Traditional Country
45 Ghost with a message 500 Hillbilly Boogie
46 Give me something to sing about 500 Country Pop
47 Happy B-Day to the girl who stole my <3 490 Hillbilly Boogie
48 Happy Birthday Atticus Alcander Knox 500 Bro Country
49 His groupie and proud of it 500 Christian Country
50 His smile is paradise 205 Christian Country
51 Holding hands, but still 2 shy 500 Bluegrass
52 How not to steal an heirloom 500 Western Swing
53 Howdy partner! Giddy up! 500 Country Rock
54 I cleaned the place up 500 Hillbilly Boogie
55 I hate you I love you 500 Christian Country
56 I love my silly boy <3 500 Country Rock
57 I luke you 500 Outlaw Country
58 I need vitamin U 500 Bro Country
59 I proudly present The Fairy Blunt-mother 590 Outlaw Country
60 I see my future in your eyes 570 Outlaw Country
61 I think my sister is a Monster... 500 Christian Country
62 I want someone to lava 590 Outlaw Country
63 I...I...I LOVE you! 500 Outlaw Country
64 Idioten aus Idiotica! 500 Country Pop
65 It is snowing in summer 500 Bro Country
66 It was just a kiss... Or two 500 Country Pop
67 It was too cute to be true 530 Traditional Country
68 Just get out of my hea(d)rt 500 Traditional Country
69 Kaboom! 500 Outlaw Country
70 Karma called to see how I was doing 500 Bro Country
71 Kiss, hug, spank 500 Christian Country
72 kissing Autumn was like tasting Spring 500 Bluegrass
73 Kissing my bf makes me all tingly inside 500 Bro Country
74 Less brain, more pain 450 Bluegrass
75 Live, Laugh, Luke 500 Christian Country
76 Long hair, big dresses and jewellery 500 Bluegrass
77 Love is in the air! 500 Outlaw Country
78 loving you is a losing game 500 Bakersfield Sound
79 Lukella or Belluke 500 Outlaw Country
80 Lullaby for Romeo 500 Bluegrass
81 May the Songs of Kobe light your path 500 Bluegrass
82 Mel'vÿn 500 Christian Country
83 Miss "Ronny's Girlfriend" 500 Outlaw Country
84 Miss Sweet 16 555 Outlaw Country
85 Money in the water 440 Country Pop
86 Mr. Ocean Eyes and the Energy Bunny 460 Country Pop
87 Music is what I am living for 500 Western Swing
88 My friend the alien 500 Hillbilly Boogie
89 My happily ever after 250 Christian Country
90 My heart is perfect, cause you are in it 500 Outlaw Country
91 My husband is one handsome devil 500 Hillbilly Boogie
92 My husband is the best 500 Bro Country
93 My love, my life, my everything 500 Hillbilly Boogie
94 My panda won’t let me sleep 500 Country Pop
95 My sweet innocent idiot 500 Traditional Country
96 My weirdo magnet 500 Bro Country
97 New new 500 Honky Tonk
98 No Trauma, No Inspiration 500 Country Pop
99 Nope 500 Truck Driving Country
100 OMK: Oh! My! Kaj! 500 Truck Driving Country
101 Once a soulmate, always a soulmate 500 Honky Tonk
102 Once upon a time 500 Bro Country
103 One hell of a lady Cookie 500 Christian Country
104 one last time before I'm god 500 Bluegrass
105 Our little miracle Autumn 500 Country Pop
106 Our love story would be epic 395 Hillbilly Boogie
107 Picnic, candles and cupcakes 500 Outlaw Country
108 Prince Robert to my rescue 500 Christian Country
109 Princess Vivian Stevie Pemberton 500 Country Pop
110 Prom Queen and the dork 500 Bro Country
111 Queency and the horses 250 Christian Country
112 Redheaded princess on my mind 290 Christian Country
113 RR Guys 305 Christian Country
114 Same old, same old 500 Country Pop
115 Schweigend ins Gespräch vertieft 530 Christian Country
116 Secrets are for Valentine surprises 500 Country Pop
117 Semper Fidelis 500 Outlaw Country
118 Serenade for Luke/Bones/my boyfriend 500 Country Rock
119 Sharp teasing tongue 610 Outlaw Country
120 She has a thing for older guys... 500 Bro Country
121 She loves me, she loves me not 500 Country Pop
122 Sir-Castic 500 Bluegrass
123 Snuggle first, talk later 500 Bro Country
124 So far away 500 Bluegrass
125 Someone is in an awfully cheery mood 500 Outlaw Country
126 Songs at the festival 500 Christian Country
127 Still Zsa, still awesome 500 Honky Tonk
128 SuperDuperUber zombie hunter 500 Truck Driving Country
129 Surfing on the waves of love 500 Outlaw Country
130 Tell me why I wasn't good enough 500 Bro Country
131 Thank you Miss Rockstar! 500 Truck Driving Country
132 That Stubborn Cactus 270 Hillbilly Boogie
133 The "I-love-you" Year 130 Traditional Country
134 The best year of my life 500 Honky Tonk
135 The cursed Christmas Mistletoe 500 Bro Country
136 The cursed music video shoot 500 Bro Country
137 The Drama Ele Robinte 500 Western Swing
138 The Great Myleseroni! 285 Bakersfield Sound
139 The greatest trick the devil ever pulled 500 Country Rock
140 The magic of sonnets... 500 Country Pop
141 the mysterious jukebox that is my brain 260 Traditional Country
142 The nicest kind of selfish ever 270 Hillbilly Boogie
143 The Rooster Boy and the Hot Chick 500 Country Rock
144 The Stunning Wizard of Fantasia 500 Bakersfield Sound
145 The tale of the two solo sisters 500 Bro Country
146 The unromantic Cookie & her companion 500 Honky Tonk
147 The virgin with 5* in sex 500 Traditional Country
148 They snuggled like there was no tomorrow 500 Bluegrass
149 Throw stones in a paradise made of glass 480 Bluegrass
150 Trophy husband 280 Hillbilly Boogie
151 True love's kiss shall break the curse 500 Bluegrass
152 Trust in the Ocean 500 Hillbilly Boogie
153 Truth won over Ohms 500 Bro Country
154 Two Crazy Chicks 500 Bro Country
155 U threw me out like trash 500 Hillbilly Boogie
156 Uncle Atti 490 Truck Driving Country
157 Unlucky Luke 500 Christian Country
158 Valentine is coming 270 Christian Country
159 Vampire Zsa 500 Hillbilly Boogie
160 Wanna have fun while being still young 500 Outlaw Country
161 What do you want from me 485 Country Pop
162 What shall we do with the drunken sailor 500 Western Swing
163 Y0u 0nly live twice! 500 Western Swing
164 You ARE my dream <3 500 Traditional Country
165 You cannot contact the deceased. 500 Country Pop
166 You make me happy 500 Truck Driving Country
167 YouOnlyLiveOnce! 500 Western Swing
168 Your "forever" didn't last that long 500 Country Rock
169 You're getting older but no wiser 500 Country Pop
170 Zombie love bites 500 Hillbilly Boogie

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 125 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.